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Everything posted by TheSource

  1. They take at least 5 to 10 years with the Winnipeg BOD running the show, including at least 3 or 4 years of 3 wins or less. Bright side is, after that rebuild is finished, they should be good for about 7 wins a season and the odd one and out playoff appearance.
  2. Miller will not. He will also be offered up by the BOD as a sacrificial lamb.
  3. Yeah, when he was in the peg it was a **** sh*w, but not all of that is on him. I think he is the best personnel guy in the league. Even when he was in Winnipeg, the players he brought in were the key tp developing Swaggerville a few years later.
  4. Walters is weak, which is what I have been saying. I would hire Murphy as GM in a heartbeat. The personnel that Sask has brought in are exceptional. About twice as good at every position compared to the Bombers.
  5. No thank you. And lets include Walters as well.
  7. Mike and Paul will never do that this season. The overrated Bomber OLine is getting manhandled and that is also part of the problem.
  8. He will, and the problems are much deeper than QB on this team. Although Wolitarsky is making a valiant and gutsy effort as a possession receiver, you know you are in trouble when the other team's DLine has better footspeed than all of your Bomber receivers.
  9. Wow! Bombers are actually worse than I thought! I'm calling it. This is not only a guaranteed loss, but this team will be blown out after the halftime adjustments.
  10. Toronto O looking alot like what the Bombers have been running lately. A lifeless loss by the Argos today... No Trestman magic this year.
  11. Hopefully this game is a decisive win, but if not, We shall see...
  12. Its not a black and white situation. Pro sports orgs that win do what it takes to wiin, and that is not always rainbows and unicorns. "If you aint cheatin, you ain tryin" are the words that come to mind, of course, anything blatant or excessive is always bad.
  13. I can see your point, but unfortunately I do feel this way about Wade and the BOD. I think Wade is a business man first, and the Bombers are a government run business, controlled by a government appointed board not, a private owner. Win at all costs, including bending the rules, is tied to the ego of a private owner many times. A dispassionate government appointed board will not take those chances, or put winning ahead of other government and fiscal responsibilities. Not sure you can win anymore in the CFL without being all-in, and I dont think the BOD would ever agree to let Miller or anyone else make the moves necessary to be all-in.
  14. I am just extremely frustrated with the inertia that the organization has shown ever since the Cal Murphy era. Not just Walters, but there has been a long history of coaches and GMs since his time that don't seem to make any adjustments to go from bad/average to good/excellent. OShea is not one to make changes, but if you think back to guys like LapPo, Burke, Daley, or even Berry, all of them were very slow to make changes and fed the fans the same lines like "we had a good parctice", "we are watching the film", "we just need to make a few plays", etc, etc. I just don't want to see guys like Walters anymore, who is mediocre at best, running the show. Would rather fail spectacularly while taking chances to be great rather than turtle and just accept permanent mediocrity. My thoughts are that if the organization had the desire to be great they already would have done what is necessary. Going this long without is not coincidental. I don't think the current organization has been built to be all-in for winning it all.
  15. Even a close loss will not cut it as acceptable in this one. This is a must win game. In similar situations in the last 3 years, dating back to the July 28, 2016 game, OShea's squad has shown that they rise up in situations such as this and get the critical win to keep from tanking. Today will be the true test of the character of the current roster that Walters and OShea have selected and supported. There are no excuses, do-overs, rainbows, or unicorns. Now is the time to show who you are, and where you will be going...
  16. Not a very pretty picture. When you think you are going to make a run, and then find out that you are about to hit last place three quarters through the season this means you did something wrong that goes well beyond just Hall and Nichols. The bad part of this is that should they really tank this year, then the options are not that good for recovery next year because, Bighill aside, they still have to live with some of the poor decisions made the last offseason. Other than Bighill, I never really liked the other choices they made in the offseason. One could see this coming before the season started - I sure did.
  17. QFT Although no one on the team would want to say so, this is a must-win game. It is also a character defining moment for the 2018 edition of the Bombers. Lose this, and they will end up in last place this year, or very close to it. I would not put money on them beating Montreal if they do not win this one.
  18. No. Nice try though. I do however know who you are talking about, so there is that...
  19. Yes. Was discussed further up the thread. The point I am making is still valid. If what you have is not very good, it's probably still better off taking a calculated risk on an unknown, provided that the proper homework is being done. Staying with Walters and co is accepting long-term mediocrity at best, and possibly accepting a slow spiraling trip into the toilet bowl at worst. Shooting for more with the risk of failing is at least more exciting as a fan.
  20. Fans shooting names out off the cuff is a poor measure of what could be done, and so is simply defaulting to saying that there is no choice better than Walters and the existing scouting staff under him. That said, Wade Miller and the BOD should be conducting their own study, or hiring a consultant from within the football industry to find out what is available. There are always options, including bringing someone in from outside the CFL. There was a time when names like Trestman, Barker, and even Wally Buono were a complete unknowns in the CFL.
  21. Yeah with Mike Kelly as OC. Go check.
  22. I picked Kelley because he is not well liked and is not going to be a popular choice amongst certain factions here. Also, I actually truly believed that the guy got a bit of a raw deal. His intentions were good, and from his career that has followed in the US you could even say that under the right conditions he could be a good coach. He was in over his head and let his ego get the better of him, but everyone makes mistakes in life. At least he seemed to care. Remember that his O was responsible for that 700-plus yard game Dunnigan had. I was at that game and it will be one of the greatest Bomber moments in my lifetime. Yeah, I am giving up that persona now and will be posting as who I am and more as a Bomber fan who is disenchanted rather than a protester per se. I have followed this team for over 35 years, but got to the point where I was not a fan at all. Lately have been realizing that hitting the head against the wall following them hurts, but is a pain I guess I have to have in my life cause I still do care after all.
  23. That's a reasonable choice too.
  24. Yes, in the era of a new regime this is what I am suggesting. Modify the playbook, but also put someone in at QB who can make those throws. They may very well have that guy on the roster now - Streveler looks like he can make those throws. At this stage, if we see a regime change there will be a year or two of rebuilding after that, so I see it as the perfect opportunity to go with the young QB and work through the growing pains at the same time.
  25. You may very well be right on this, but I have a bit different take on it. I agree about Lapo being given an exemption, but it needs to be conditional - I think he should be forced to make some modifications to the offensive system that Bombers employ as a condition of staying on. The system needs to be modified to stretch the field vertically more, not with bombs, but with an intermediate level passing game. The current system does not feature this, probably because Nichols accuracy has never been that consistent at that range. Regarding Walters, his results have been mixed, but yes, even I acknowledge he has done some good things, however, this off season he was far too passive and made some seriously goofy decisions. This has been a recurring theme with him in the past. I would drop Walters and the entire scouting system the Bombers are currently using and go in a different direction. What would it take to pry Murphy out of Sask to take on a GM position?
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