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Everything posted by Firekid

  1. Good run game by the Blue with average passing. 4 TDs (one from defense), 3 FGs and one Rouge . Red Blacks will be zzzzzzzz.... sawing logs tonight. They will get down field though with Lindley pushing one major in. The rest will be a few FGs with our defense holding them up in the Red Zone. 38-16 Bombers is my prediction. (I have known to be wrong once or twice lol)
  2. Classic Pace Setter jacket! Nice! That Jacket would sell if they brought it back!
  3. I'm shocked to be honest. I'm really hoping that this is to bring in someone special that requires just that little bit of extra money or something. I know I'm reaching but there has to be some logical reason for this..... right?
  4. Oh how a Rider loss would set the tone to this rainy weekend in Winnipeg! I might even spend the day outside tomorrow in my lawn-chair drinking ice cold beer in the rain!
  5. I really feel like Collaros has a lot left in the tank. He played behind a terrible O-Line that has finally got some different schemes from Jones and is gaining a bit of confidence. I feel like Hamilton should put him back in. But to be honest the best thing for Collaros is to get out of the Hammer and into a contending team that has an established front line and I think he will be ok. I hate to say it but if he gets into Sask I think they will move up the standings at least to make the playoffs IMO.
  6. I felt like the call was made correctly. I was surprised at Jason Maas on how unprofessional he acted. It showed exactly the type of person he is. The same guy who wouldn't wear the mic on the mic'd up game last season. I understand being competitive but in that moment in front of your team it was a terrible place to come unglued. It showed later in the game as well when one of his players pulled the same stunt on the field. I truly do not like Jason Maas and these kinds of things are the reason why. He acts like a spoiled brat.
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