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Slimy Sculpin

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  1. I'm not sure how many snaps, he would get (by rule) per game but , perhaps, Bombers might take (finally) advantage of the "Nationalized American" rule and use Wilson as such.
  2. I had totally forgotten about Dolegala. Given his experience and the fact that he has been around the Bombers for a while leading up to the GC and, I assume, is by now familiar with the playbook, he might have been the guy to go in and finish the game. Collaros definitely wasn't that guy!
  3. I appreciate your opinion but even taking out a drop (Demski) or two, his completion % would still be less than his regular season one (>70%). I also thought that his O-line, surprisingly, gave him ample time to go through his reads.
  4. All I wrote was that 6 for 16 were not winning numbers...seems to me that drops or misses are irrelevant.
  5. Some thoughts and remarks that I made to my wife while we were watching the game (expletives removed): Although the coin toss was botched by the official, we won the toss (only thing that we won yesterday) and actually chose to receive the ball. Not a great start by the offence. The offside/illegal procedure on the first play was an omen, I guess, suggesting to me that the team wasn’t prepared. These idiotic gambling commercials have got to go. Gambling on beanbag toss? Pregame, TSN talking heads were touting and Fan Duel had odds on which song the Jonas Brothers would open with. Give me a break! Offensive play calling was unimaginative at best and offensive at worst. Buck was calling plays like he had one foot out the door (BC coaching offer rumor). I’m all for a change at the OC position. At one point, while he was still working with all digits, Collaros was 6 of 16. Those are not winning numbers. Lucky Whitehead has lost more than a step. Oh yeah, I forgot that it didn’t matter because he was still a sure-handed returner. Hmmm. Don’t often see that interference penalty called on that blocked punt but the rule is in the book and Wilson did interfere with the Argo player. Wilson, a vet, should have known better! The Bombers screwed this up themselves. No one else is to blame. Jefferson played pretty well given the constraints that he was under. Disappointed in Bombers preparation and execution and Collaros playing poorly didn’t help. Lawler’s feet are too big. Actually, I thought the ball of his foot touched in bounds followed by his heel (out of bounds). I don’t know the rule on that. On the first pick 6, it sure looked like the Argo lineman on the right edge was offside. No call by the on-field officials, nothing from above and I assume not challengeable. I don’t think that they had a replay from that angle. Collaros injures a finger on his throwing hand (severely…stitches?) and has never worn a glove on that hand and he’s put back into the game and the first play is a long toss that is intercepted???? I thought Wilson showed some composure when thrown into the breech. His ball to Lawler, who was open, was underthrown but I thought his throw in Wheatfall’s direction was good and could have been caught. I thought in spite of the fact that they were getting no pressure on Arbuckle, the D played OK to a point. However, why they weren’t trying to get more pressure on him is baffling. (He looked a little flustered the one or two times he was pressured.) I saw Hall in the booth so I’m guessing that he has a great influence on the Bomber D. Lots of uncharacteristic (lazy?) penalties by veteran Bombers (e.g., Demski) And if he were hurt perhaps he shouldn’t have been playing. All in all, it was an embarrassing performance by the Bombers especially the offense and including a few of the coaches. I’ll be back next year! Go Bombers Go!
  6. At the risk of sounding really cynical, Buck is calling plays like he's already with the Lions.
  7. Done deal for Buck before the biggest game of the year?At a minimum, wouldn't that be tampering?
  8. They are pretty competent at running and passing as are the Bombers. A key for me is how well our D-line performs. Can they get pressure on Harris? Does our 3-man front offer any resistence to their run game? (Gotta admit I'm worried about this.) On the other hand, the sell-out crowd will be our 13th man. (This I have confidence in.) Go Bombers Go!
  9. Man, I hope you're right about this! A little more motion, misdirection on O, a blitz or two on D, less Thomas and Schmekel on at the same time, and, perhaps some trickery on special teams.
  10. What don't you understand about what I wrote? "I'd say that the two QBs are pretty similar." And yes, Ws are a "team" statistic. Having said that, is a QB going to get that 70+% completion rate without receivers, an O-line and blocking back? You are the most....obtuse poster on this forum. IMO.
  11. Since August 1 (objectively, I believe, when the Bombers' season turned around), I'd say that the two QBs are pretty similar. Collaros: 204/283=72.1%, Harris: 190/262=72.5% Collaros: 2613/204=12.8yd/completion, Harris: 2392/190=12.5yd/completion Collaros: 1TD for every 20.21 passes attempted, Harris: 1TD for every 20.15 passes attempted Collaros: 1INT for every 40.43 passes attempted, Harris: 1INT for every 43.67 passes attempted I have no idea how to calculate QB efficiency. And, Collaros: 9W - 1L, Harris: 4W - 4L (only played in 8 of 11 SK games since Aug. 1) I know who I want as my QB on Saturday.
  12. Can you break out the QB data for both from Aug. 1 until season's end? I think that you would know why.
  13. Good one. Yes, Buck will have to "buck" that trend, too. I hope that Younger was paying attention to yesterday's game. I saw a lot of ineffective 3-man "rushes" by the Lions. Let's hope that he can come up with a better plan to semi-neutralize Harris.
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