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Slimy Sculpin

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Everything posted by Slimy Sculpin

  1. I appreciate and share your optimism. However, I am a bit concerned about the number of rookies in the secondary. (Was it Dave Ritchie who said that "you'll lose one game for every rookie started"?) Have they had enough time and reps to play as a cohesive unit? Here's hoping that the communication back there is getting better. Go Bombers Go!
  2. I read this and the other forum and I for the most part appreciate the discussions on both boards but in reality these guys are just anonymous "keyboard warriors" (well, I guess Mike uses his real name first name) like the rest of us. Have they been there, done that? Maybe, maybe not.
  3. Sooner or later the roster management issue (and like you and others, I believe it is an issue) is going to result in more empty seats in the stands. I may be naive on this matter but I understand that Miller has stepped in in the past. Is it unreasonable to expect that he might have to have another "little meeting" with the HC? (I have no idea where Walters fits in here.)
  4. Currently there are many things ailing the Bombers but, imo, it starts with the O line. I wasn't impressed with our centre (67) last year and after two games this year, I'm even less impressed. He may be consistent with his snaps but there's more to playing the position than that. As a football player, he makes a better matador, a whole lot of ole-ing going on. I don't understand why Eli isn't getting a shot at the position. I've got to convince myself that making the playoffs is all that matters. It's going to be a long season for us Bomber fans.
  5. There are currently many things wrong with the Bombers, I'll just pick one. The O-line, especially the centre (#67) has to be better. It can start with relieving the C of his duties. He was absolutely atrocious out there. On the 3rd and goal from Ottawa's 7, he didn't even attempt to tie up his man. The guy had a free shot at Collaros with the resulting sack and 67 helping up Collaros. That would be a start. A frustrating game to watch.
  6. That fumble by Demski was exasperating to watch. He had made a nice catch and had turned upfield. The first down had been secured but unfortunatel, Demski, who was in traffic, did not secure the ball. Sure fight for those extra yards but put two arms/hands on the ball and bear down. He's a straight line sort of guy anyway.
  7. So, are you suggesting that all the balls are "chipped" with something the size (and weight?) of a golf ball? I'm grasping at straws here but could that impact Collaros' long throws where more than a little "touch" is required?
  8. Lots of issues and errors from the Bombers last night. Most have been pointed out and discussed. Has anyone mentioned O'Shea's challenge on the punt/fumble/no yards play? I can understand why he challenged it (sort of).....fumble lost, upstairs folks probably gave him the green light. But one of the replays showed that one of the Montreal players looked like he was maybe literally a foot inside the 5 yd zone. So, no one should have been surprised that reviewers didn't call it. Lost challenge, lost time out.
  9. Yes, it looked like they weren't prepared. And from what I've read about player use in the two pre-season games, it perhaps shouldn't have been a surprise. It was down right embarrassing! If I'm Wade Miller, I'm having a little chat with the coaching staff today. Heck, maybe I had it right after the game! An effort like that is going to result in empty seats in the stands and fewer $$s in the coffer.
  10. It's a very long season, plenty of time to "adapt". While I'd like the Bombers, to (unrealistically) go 18-0, I just want them in the playoffs.
  11. Good on the Bombers and Jets for adding a few $s to their coffers for naming rights. However, this old fan always called those edifaces The Stadium and The Arena and will continue to do so.
  12. Aw, come on, give him a break. It's only January 3. There's no way his number is that high!🙂
  13. I like this signing. He was a little exuberant at times (a couple of ill-advised penalties) but he has a motor and a nose for the ball.
  14. You're joking.....right? "Police stopped the vehicle Marshall was driving and reportedly found a modified automatic handgun. Records said Marshall and Borders were in “possession of sawed-off shotgun, sawed-off rifle, dangerous weapon, or silencer.”" I realize that it's Georgia but even they have gun laws. If he's found guilty, he'll be playing QB for the Georgia State Prison "Rough Riders" for the next five years (manditory sentence for him if found guilty) a la Burt Reynolds in The Longest Yard.
  15. Speaking of practice rosters......how long has Drew Richmond been hanging around and is he ready to replace (adequately) one of the current OTs?
  16. Regarding Bighill. Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't he acquired all sorts of finanicial planning, etc. designations and is working with one of the local (branch?) financial/wealth management companies? If so, it might be problematic to uproot the family and his clients to play a season or two with another team.
  17. A lot of repetition here but still an enjoyable read with my second cup of coffee this morning. To me, in a nutshell, we (the Bombers) were outcoached (roster "management", schemes and adjustments on both sides of the ball) in the most important game of the season...very frustrating for this armchair QB. Now that management is back in place for the next couple of years, they can go about trying to piece together another solid and, hopefully, Grey Cup calibre team. It should be an interesting off-season.
  18. From the CFL website: "Each team may have a maximum of 45 players (min. 44), including three quarterbacks, at least one global player, 21 national players including one nationalized American. Teams can dress a maximum of 19 Americans not including quarterbacks and the nationalized American." The way I interpret this is that, as an example, Bighill, an American, could have been designated as the nationalized American and be included in the group of 21 nationals (one national would have to be dropped). Since the 19 Americans no longer includes Bighill's spot another can then be rostered. A caveat is that this nationalized American can only play 23 plays.
  19. From what I've read, it appears to me that O'Shea's plan was to dress and play Bighill only sparingly because of his injury. Am I right or wrong in that interprtation? Let's say I'm right, could O'Shea have then rostered Bighill as a "nationalized" American (still could have got plenty of snaps), dropped one of the marginal Canadians and dressed another American, say a DB like Rose?
  20. Oh, I agree that he out-punted their Aussie Rules Football guy yesterday. (What is it with this sudden infatuation with Australian punters? Global player rule?) All I was implying was that I wasn't impressed with his season's body of work and was hoping to find out some stats on net punt returns.
  21. I have to admit I was unimpressed by Sheahan's punting this past season. Sure his average was OK (46.2 yards) but it seemed like he and the rest of the punting team were not on the same page a lot of the time resulting in good returns because our cover guys weren't in their correct lanes/spaces or were too far upfield. It would be interesting to know the net yards on his punts. I couldn't find it anywhere. Anyone got an answer?
  22. Just trying, and failing apparently, to add a little levity to the thread.
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