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Slimy Sculpin

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Everything posted by Slimy Sculpin

  1. I like your ideas for the defensive backfield.
  2. If you think about it a bit, it's pretty funny. (Good natured poking fun at you and the other "veterans" on the list)
  3. I know you're upset. I am too. I have been a die-hard (really die-hard) since 1957. (Yes, I'm that old.) Seriously, there is always next year, more for you because I don't have that many left.
  4. Please step away from the edge. It's only a football game. Do the interview. Get the job. Come on back. There's always next year.
  5. Aside from a couple of dumb penalties that Cole took earlier in the season, I like what I've seen from his play. Perhaps, the Bombers' brass has a succession plan or two in place.
  6. FYI and FWIW: A person convicted of unlawful possession of a firearm in Georgia will be guilty of a felony. The punishment will be a prison term of five years.
  7. Defensively, aside from that first-half ending play, the Bombers played a tremendous game. Kudos to Coach Hall and, of course, the players who "practiced what the coach preached". Offensively, I thought that Coach Pierce's play calling was excellent in the first half especially when the O-line was overpowering BC's D-line and Olveira was running with authority. However, once BC adjusted their D to basically neutralize Oliveira in the second half, Pierce did not seem to adjust the O to BC's adjustment, in my opinion. It seemed like for every first down play, the Bombers insisted on pounding Oliveira into the line for a lot fewer yards than in the first half. Don't get me wrong. I'm a long-time Bomber fan and am absolutely thrilled that they're going to Steeltown for the GC but I was disappointed with Buck's play calling in the second half. Go Bombers Go!
  8. Except when he threw it up in the air, he was still standing up. I initially thought that it was a botched lateral. Anyway, Bombers won.
  9. I've got a question. Does anyone know what the deal was on Holm's late-game INT return. It looked like he "gave up" at the end. Why did he throw the ball up as he did? Had the whistle been blown (play dead because he was in the grasp?)
  10. Steinhauer should fire himself for not making the change.
  11. I have to admit, the Bombers infatuation with Thomas among others is baffling. Sure he makes the odd play but imo he has passed his "best before" date. Heck, earlier in his career with the Bombers, he was cut (not good enough then?) and then brought back.
  12. Just checking in with a comment about #17. I've been watching him as closely as possible for the last few games and IMO there's no way that he should be starting....a lot of missed tackles there. Of course, he's not the only issue....the play calling on that last series, Collaros' Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Hall's D strategy. Yikes! We're still in it but what a frustrating game to watch.
  13. I'm starting to get a little concerned about the recent performances by the Bombers and that concern is being compounded by the knowledgeable posters here who have been and still are concerned about roster management in particular. It seems to me that if posters here see issues with roster management and other coaching deficiencies, Coach O'Shea's supervisors (Walters and, ultimately, Miller) see this too. If the bottom line is to win (resulting in more butts in the stands and $$s in the coffers), surely they might pull the HC aside for a chat about this. If the HC is not fielding an optimum roster which might involve efficiently utilizing the new roster rules (designated Americans, designated nationalized Americans and designated nationals...gotta admit that I can't figure them out), might not that be grounds for at least a "talking to" by the GM or President? Thoughts?
  14. Thanks for confirming a new ST system. You may be correct about a lack ST "aces" as it currently stands. (I guess there are a few good STers on the IR which doesn't help.) Hmmm, so O'Shea figures that it was time for a change. I wonder if he feels the same way about Hall's D-system(s) that has been here for what seems like an eternity.😊
  15. Like most Bomber fans, I'm concerned about the team's recent play and I've been concerned about the special team play since the season started. Somewhere on this forum quite a while ago, someone noted that Coach O'Shea mentioned that a new system was being implemented this season and that some of the STers were still adjusting. I thought it must be a new Special Teams coach. However, Paul Boudreau, the ST coach, has been here for seven years. Any thoughts as to why the team would mess with something that was working so well for so many years? (e.g., new kickers?)
  16. I realize that they're all playing poorly. It's just that Kramdi caught my eye.
  17. Just dropping by but why does it seem like the Bombers are not prepared for the start of most games and Kramdi is doing a good Sam Hurl impersonation.
  18. FWIW. I was out for a bike ride about an hour before the game and the wind was very slight (less than 5km/h) from the north. The turf at IGF is quite a bit below grade and with the protection from the wind offered by the stands, IMO, the wind was/should have been a non-factor yesterday.
  19. Thanks for picking up where Do or Die left off. Appreciate the effort. Hoping it was Hendricks gin.
  20. I place the TSN CFL halftime panel segment in the same category as the gambling ads....totally irritating and insufferable. Whenever one or the other comes on, I switch channels.
  21. I am baffled by this new scheme. (Earlier in the season, I heard O’Shea mention it.) in all seriousness, can anyone explain it for me? Is it something different to accommodate the new punter and his kicking repertoire? I see a lot of returners make extra yards along the side lines.
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