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Slimy Sculpin

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Everything posted by Slimy Sculpin

  1. The Command Centre may not have reversed the call but from this year's CFL rule book: "A coach may challenge a play that has already been reviewed by the Command Centre." I may have missed it but I don't think that O'Shea used his challenge during the game. There was one play (a guy draped over Lawler) when the Suitor mentioned that O'Shea had his hand on his flag but decided against throwing it. So, I believe that O'Shea could have challenged that 2-point OT play.
  2. From the 23023 CFL Rule Book In overtime, a team does not need a time-out to challenge a play
  3. Hate to be continually negative tonight but in my opinion Parker might be worse than McCrae as a returner.
  4. Appreciate the completion but it was an underthrow. A lot of that lately.
  5. Finally 😀. He's actually very quick and has learned a lot. I kinda like him.
  6. Roster management? He shouldn't be on the (overall) roster. Look, I realize that there are a lot of issues with the Bombers this evening but I've been watching Kramdi all season and he is not very good.
  7. Gotta admit that I never played the game so I don’t have a good command of the X’s and O’s but the last time Kramdi played there was a lot of this going on. He may be ok on STs but he is too slow even as a backup at that position on D.
  8. Thankfully it's a long season so I'm hoping that adjustments can be made. The Stamps knocking off the Green Guys was all right, too. (I only watched the fourth quarter of that one and, it was exciting.) Both results were good for the league in general and hopefully there were a few American eyes watching on whatever network carries the games (CBS Sports?). From the conversation above and previous, it seems to me that the Bombers' Canuck talent in certain positions is a little less than ideal....interior of both lines and at LB. I did see Neufeld get beaten badly a few times; I've never been sold on Gray; and I've read on this forum that some think that our current C isn't all that great. As for Canadian LBs, Briggs and Gauthier (is he injured?) are way too slow. Perhaps, they're good STers but I used to cringe whenever they came in on D, Gauthier in particular. Still plenty of season to go. Aside from Edmonton (Can Jones fire himself....please), the West should be very entertaining this year. Go Blue Go!
  9. After several post game glasses of wine...... Definitely, Bum(b)mers this afternoon. Out-coached by Ottawa staff. Buck went conservative late in second quarter instead of going for the jugular. Schoen is a threat but not a "Lawler threat". (Will Lawler ever show up?). Hall couldn't/didn't adjust at the half. If you have a timeout or two, why not use them at critical times. Looked like Bombers were panicking near end. Brain farts by Collaros, Schoen, Wollie and Buck/Hall. Took Ottawa too lightly. It's a long season. Hope they learn from this.
  10. A couple of terrible teams that the play by play guys are trying to pump up. Since this is what the league is presenting not just to the home-grown fans like me but to the Americans (CBS Sports), I'm a little concerned.
  11. Read a lot but don't often post but isn't it time for Glen Suitor to pack it in and retire. The guy may know a lot but he had got to shut up at times. I just shake my head.
  12. While I agree that there were several factors that lead to a one point loss last Sunday, I believe that at a minimum, the Bombers have to bring in some serious competition at kicker/punter position. (Darn, in spite of how poorly the Bombers played and were coached in certain aspects of the game, at the end, it was still there for the taking.) Yes, Liegghio took a "massive leap" relative to last year. However, in three regular season games where he was kicking last year, he missed 3 of 8 FGs and 3 of 8 converts. It would be difficult to not improve on those numbers. So, he did. However, this year he was still 7th of 9 regular kickers in FG% and 8th of 9 in convert success. There was a definite improvement in his %s but relatively speaking he was mediocre at best. And for KOs (yd. per kick), he was 4th among regulars and with a 46.9 yd. punting average, he was 5th among regular punters.
  13. Seems to me that Liegghio has taken a lot of criticism (most of it justified) over his kicking in the game. Heck, someone even called him out in a letter to the editor in the WFP. (Over the line, IMO.) However, although Buck P. has been on the receiving end of a few critical jabs after the game, mostly it has been crickets. IMO, proper execution or not, that was a horribly called game by him.
  14. Legghio cost us, period. His leg isn't strong enough and neither is his psyche. But I agree about the offence, Buck's play calling was outright bizarre at times. Did he out-think himself? I'll still be back next year. Hopefully, Leggs isn't.
  15. Hearsay, but I've read that the NFL/NFLPA is considering messing again with their already confusing QB rules that would allow an extra QB (3rd) on the roster full-time effectively adding another roster spot for all teams. I'm thinking that if Rourke is anywhere near healthy he would be at least 3rd string material in the Excited States. In 2004, Ricky Ray was third string behind Chad Pennington and Quincy Carter for the Jets. Big $$$s for Ricky for a very short time.
  16. What Bluto said is true. However, the last time the Bombers and Argos met in a Grey Cup was 1950! I'm no fear and I highly doubt the the Bombers have it either.
  17. Serious question. (I'm a Bomber fan but haven't played the game.) I know that the slot backs get to do that waggle thing so the defenders have to play off them. However. the outside receivers start from a stand still and yet the Bomber CBs still give a 10 yard , at least, cushion. Nine times out of 10, that's an easy pitch and catch for a first down. I wonder why the CBs aren't playing it a little tighter. Can't the Bombers run some sort of hybrid system to take this into account? I'm truly perplexed.
  18. Nothing wrong with our O. The D has to get its s#$t together.
  19. Well, that was an embarrassing first half. The Bomber D was nowhere to be seen. (Certainly the Ti-Cats receivers couldn't see them as they were playing so far off.) Parker got picked on so many times that towards the end he was giving less than a half-hearted effort. As for Rose...What the heck was he doing on the TD where he got burned more than I would have? Gauthier as a regular LB, even rotating, is not going to work. Sure his long locks look great when he's in the pursuit mode (all the time) but he's a special teamer at best. And we're not good enough in the middle of that D-line. Run stopping is a problem, too. I'm hoping that adjustments are made at the half to at least get a few stops. Otherwise it could be 50, maybe 60. Will the Ti-Cats run up the score? I would. And, I thought the O, except for a couple of plays, looked OK. End of rant. I'm tempted to not return for the second half......but I will. Go Blue!
  20. Anyone have any idea if Dee Alford saw any action for the Falcons on Sunday?
  21. I've got a question for all of you armchair QBs out there. Actually, maybe, just an observation. So Collaros tosses one to Bailey and he takes it in for a TD with 30 seconds left in the first half. Score is then 27-7. Bombers kickoff and SK starts moving the ball down field. On the second last play of the half (seven seconds left on the clock) SK is near centre field and Farjardo throws his usual short one that is caught by one of their guys at about our 45-46. The guy drops and not one but a couple of Bombers immediately touch him down with two seconds still on the clock. On the last play of the half Lauther kicks a 53 yd FG to bring the score to 27-10. I realize that in the end that FG didn't matter but had the Bombers not touched the downed receiver, the two seconds would have gone and the half would have ended at 27-7. I realize this is one of those in the heat of the moment things but I would have thought the players on the field would have been more aware of the clock, especially a vet like Bighill. Was the Bomber coaching staff aware? Was it a teaching moment? Your thoughts?
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