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Slimy Sculpin

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Everything posted by Slimy Sculpin

  1. He was watching the receiver's feet. Should be watching his waist.
  2. Parker looking like a rookie out there on his own. Should have made that tackle.
  3. Am truly amazed that we're tied. And as for Homer Suitor, that was a head shot.
  4. I'm being overly negative today because it took the Bombers more than a while to wake up. In the end they'll be fine even if they drop this one. Go Blue!
  5. Lots of Bombers haven't shown up today including a few of the coaches.
  6. It's a microcosm of the game, defensively, but any team that has Shane Gautier starting at LB and Hallet at Safety is in trouble. Both have been literally standing around in particular Mr. Gauthier.
  7. While I appreciate Demski's TD, why the heck didn't we take the ball on the 40 after the SK FG?
  8. Not much else to do tonight so I watched the game. In hindsight, it might have been a better bet to watch the W Network "shot in Winnipeg" movie with my wife. As Do or Die noted....two inept teams, one coached by a guy who might be a decent high-school coach and the other by a guy who is probably, maybe a decent assistant. Yikes! If I may make a few more comments. Why is Duron Carter still playing football, let alone starting at safety for the worst team in the league? I saw a commercial done by his Dad the other day and I think that he would be a better fit. Duron does do a lot of dancing and no tackling out there. I'm beginning to think that the league is on its last legs (in the current configuration). How can it survive when there were more fans in the stands in TO than in Edmonton tonight? Yeah, I know that Commonwealth is "cavernous" but there was nobody there. I'm very serious about this. In reality, the Bombers and Riders are the only teams currently putting a good amount of butts in the seats. TSN contract or not, I don't think that the league can last all that much longer. Thoughts welcome. This is a quarterback driven league and right now only two teams even come close to having that "it" factor at the QB position: Bombers and Stamps. BC with Pipkin at the controls is going nowhere. And why did it take Lapo so long to figure out that Caleb Evans is nowhere near the QB that Arbuckle is? I really like the home unis that the Bombers wore on Thursday. They are the class of the league. I've got more but will leave it at that. I'm not a gin fan like Do or Die but I've got a Laphroig single malt that needs to be sampled. Cheers.
  9. I agree the the on-field officials got the call wrong. However, when they ruled it an incomplete pass, the whistle went and the majority of the players stopped (Yes, like all well-trained athletes, they played to the whistle.) Then it went up to the "command/control" centre for the final say and they, in my opinion, made the correct (and fair) call.
  10. It's time to end the "Kienan Lafrance" experiment.
  11. Whikle I'm happy that the Bombers are 4-0, they have a few issues to deal with including some injuries to key players (Demski, Couture, Alexander and Wilson immediately come to mind). Even though the O-line is struggling (IMO, ), I don't think that Oliveira is the answer at RB. And the current set of receivers doesn't seem to have the ability to "take it deep" to stretch the defense. So, if BC doesn't have to worry too much about a Bomber deep threat and running back.......well, it could be a long evening for the Bombers. It is early in the season and I think that the Bombers' brain-thrust will figure it out and address the issues. However, I would be more than pleasantly surprised if the Blue pull out a W tonight.
  12. I'm a Bomber season ticket holder and I've followed the team since 1957. And I really do enjoy watching the CFL in general. However, I do have grave concerns about the current viability of the league. Anyone do a count of fans in the stands at Commonwealth tonight? It looks like the stands at a USFL game. And Edmonton is not the only team with a paucity of butts in the seats. The CFL is in big trouble in my opinion.
  13. Don't often comment in game but O play calling in horrible and Oliveira and Augustine for that matter are like the second coming of Keenan LaFrance. And that's not a good thing.
  14. Hate to contradict you but based on the first three games this season, Oliviera is not "fine". He is slow! He's looks small (not that that matters if he were quick....but he isn't); and he hasn't been used as a pass receiver. Hmmm.....maybe he's a great blocking back. Unfortunately based on the first three games, I'd say he's not. However, it may be the O-line that's contributing to Olivietra"s lack of production, that may. Gray, imo, has been a less than adequate replacement as a guard. (Is that an unnatural position for him?) For a guy who had all sorts of try-outs/practice roster spots in the NFL, he's having problems with the Canadian game. Anyway, just my opinion of two guys on the O for the Bombers.
  15. I noted that too. I still don't know why five yards (difference) weren't march off against the Cats. Also, did anyone else notice that Evans was past the line of scrimmage when he threw the ball on a least two occasions (to my eyes anyway) and no flag was thrown?
  16. It's hard to argue with the list of QBs offered up. Although he is on no one's top 5 list and most of you won't remember him, here's a good read on Ken Ploen's competition in the late 1950s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Van_Pelt But for an injury and the US draft, it could have been Kenny Who?
  17. I'm really dating myself here but the Bud Grant coached teams between 1957-1962 were pretty dominant. They lost to Hamilton in the 1957 Grey Cup but defeated the Ti-Cats for the Cup in 1958 and 1959. The 1960 team might have been the best of the bunch but they lost to a hot Edmonton team in the Western Final. In 1961 and 1962 the Bombers again won the Cup knocking off Hamilton each time. It was a different era when the football was not played as it is today but it's all relative. While I love what the current Bombers are doing and hope that they can successfully carry it on, I have to go with Grant's Big Blue teams.
  18. It's a good thing that Lapo wasn't his OC.☺️
  19. Keeping it lighthearted....when the Jets took the Heritage Classic in Regina a few weekends ago, the Bombers in their last regular season game also defeated the Stamps. When the Bombers knocked off the Stamps in the western final, the Jets also won. This past weekend, the Jets escaped Tampa with a win followed by the Bombers doing the same in Riderville. So....the Jets host Columbus this Saturday. Could the outcome of that game predict the Grey Cup winner? Not that I'm superstitious….but Go Jets Go!
  20. Sorry but I never stated that the Bomber O wasn't inept. I mentioned that aside from the time that BLM was sacked (oops, called back because of RTP), they had no pressure on him which of course lead to receivers being wide open. It started on the opening drive so one can't blame that on an inept Bomber O.
  21. I did and I hope that I'm not being rude but can you come up with a few examples to counter my second sentence?
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