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Dr Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr Zaius

  1. I've never seen so many shitty chain restaurants in my life
  2. This organization doesn't learn. Brutal.
  3. is he under contract?
  4. Wow, biting off twice as much as he can chew. BC's offence is going to suuuuuck
  5. Pierce and Kilam both fail up the ladder. Uninspiring duo, imo.
  6. Jeff Hamilton if you're reading this -- I appreciate you asking some actual hard hitting questions to ZC in the post game presser. Very refreshing to see media people not just lob up meatball questions like 90% of the time Edit: and they're not purposefully ridiculous questions like Friesen
  7. O'shea will never be willing to move on from Collaros. It is what it is. They should re-structure his contract though. He's not worth 600k today.
  8. Bottom line is Collaros is a perennial choke artist. Won the first Grey Cup with a generational defense, did the absolute bare minimum to win the 2nd. If Steinhauer doesn't hand the Bombers the game on a platter they lose. Completely shits the bed 3 straight.
  9. Can we please ******* move on from Collaros now? 2 years overdue
  10. Joseph A. Campbell, the founder of Campbell Soups?
  11. 1. I'm an idiot 2. You're right. They were 8-9-1. Equally shitty
  12. Campbell is a classic right place right time guy. Goes 8-9 in a historically weak East divison. Allowing them to HOST the Western Final somehow. 2 game win streak. Champion. Parlayed into a lifetime job in the CFL lol
  13. verbatim: "best runningback"
  14. Had to give the interview a re-listen. Nye: 0 complimentary things said about the Bombers Also Nye: Argors have superior Specials, OL, DL, best rb, one of the best receiving corps edit: haha he thinks Harjullahu is pretty good, no mention of Castillo
  15. Nye on WST being a complete tool slobbering over the Argos if anyone wants a good laugh
  16. lol jamie nye
  17. Least inspiring coach ever. Not a leader of men. No killer instinct.
  18. I fully expect Collaros to get sacked on the opening drive of this game. I'll be pissed when it happens
  19. Character win. Refs completely incompetent tonight. Unnacceptable. Did everything in their power to give the Lightning the game. Gritty win.
  20. Impending sellout with a week left to spare. Flagship Franchise does it again. Never a doubt.
  21. Is it just me, or.. is Collaros sucky at connecting on screen passes? He seems to miss the throw way more than he should
  22. I'm not as concerned about our D. Harris will dink and dunk, and our D will be susceptible to it, but they tend not give up the 7s, and Harris hates scoring 7s. I'm concerned about lack of creativity on O. I don't want to see the Rider's D-line push through our O-line, and consistently put ourselves in second and long with Brady getting 2, 3 yards a carry. I think this one needs to be a bit more of a shootout than we're used to. But I can't see Buck and O'shea deviating from the grinding gameplan.
  23. Better team won for sure Riders dominated TOP. bc's secondary just got shredded
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