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    Blue Bombers.........snowmobiling......having some laughs

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  1. Watching Streveler play was a hoot..... hope his next playing time turns out better.
  2. Somebody should call Vince McMahon......he is always looking to invest in a football league.
  3. Does she know that the games wouldn't have started yet anyway.
  4. " Big Chris " lol...... too soon ?
  5. Some broadcast in the future Milts going to give it to him right on the panel....
  6. Play all the playoffs in BC if need be.......that might be kinda neat to watch for a playoff run...
  7. It wouldn't feel right watching any cfl teams playing for the cup in the states.
  8. Careful now....
  9. Sorry for causing you a bit of grief here lol, people really need to stop thinking they know everything before jumping on others in here. You have been up there long enough we must have crossed paths somewhere at sometime. I hope yer not part of them goofy lakers that think they are Daniel Boone ( lol )
  10. It's hilarious over there how they refuse to acknowledge Booch facts...... hey are you going to make it to paint during the virus GCn20 ?
  11. And after Booch explains it to them ....they will resort to covid something something cost them...lol
  12. Riderfans can use that excuse for yet another year without a cup....
  13. In one sense I am glad lapo never changed because we finally got the cup.
  14. How many grey cup winning teams has Lapo been a part of since 2002 ?
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