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Everything posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. I think Matty deserves a chance to still show he can get it all done for the team. Too and he hasn't pounded one in from 5 yards out yet though.....
  2. ????..... a minor injury could totally explain some of Mattys bad throws this year. Sure he started great last night, but then the freezing and/or Meds wore off, and then whatever may have been bothering him reared its ugly head again. Then having a big dude wipe him out from behind and land on him with all his weight made whatever was wrong even worse. Some guys are tougher at handling that stuff....it's just my theory. I hope he is okay, he was making the throws early we all wanted to see..... if he is out for any amount of time I hope it is not enough to affect his play when he returns... especially the playoffs.
  3. Soon I am hoping.... just gotta straighten out the life stuff a bit more.
  4. Good I hope he is okay. The other theory we came up with last night for putting big Chris when they did was to appease the lady fans...hopefully create a buzz An sell more tickets. There were some sad shots of the stands last night during the game... more empty seats shown than what I liked.
  5. If Matty was tougher this thread would never have happened.
  6. Great evening last night.... son showed up with his family at the new house to visit yesterday so the game is a bit fuzzy this morning. I'm thinking matt had something wrong with him when they put big Chris in..... something probably minor but they were being cautious. Matt goes back in his play isn't as good... eventually he can't escape the hit from behind and ultimately can't take the punishment. Also watching them tape harris' ankle up more later in the game is not a good sign..... the pounding is taking its toll on him...
  7. What hitch exactly are you hoping for though ?
  8. Not even matt ?
  9. BC sucks!!!!!
  10. It's a dumb idea.
  11. And is it trending upwards.... or is it simply getting back to the level you were at ?....
  12. Maybe the thing on his neck is not helping.
  13. Day after the grey cup if we win will be spent in a dark room with lots of water and headache medicine.
  14. And I understand it's hard to get them meaningful playing time.... but at some point they need a chance to move the offence if it s stalling repeatedly in a game.
  15. What I say is.... I don't think matt has what it's going to take to get us a cup if it comes down to him , especially late in a game. And I don't so much want him gone as wanting to see a bit more of any back up QB we have.
  16. I listened to the coaches show last, didn't learn much. One take awaway from the show for me was that maybe the teams should be allowed more closed practises and less open to everyone practises. Then the teams could really work on stuff to help them get better before everyone knew what the were working on.
  17. And how many in the last three games ? Is the ride over ? Have they been figured out ?
  18. When I read harris' explanation of the offence against Calgary it just made me think.." but you an matt have been playing this way in a lot of games lately. And now it's because your playing Calgary ? "...
  19. Some people are worried that some of the stats will be what loses another playoff game.
  20. After I read it I thought they are totally reading the social media stuff lol....
  21. Which makes it not a touchdown pass...... but in all seriousness do you really count those as a stat for Matty ?
  22. Did you darken big Chris' interceptions because you are blaming him for the picks ?
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