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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. Nichols missed a month to start the season...then he missed a month because his head wasn't in the game.... I think he needs this whole game to prepare for the playoffs.  Plus another win for matt would help solidify his game changer moniker....going into the playoffs on a five game winning streak, only to win three more would more than solidify that.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    It's  about time.....and just in time. 


    48 minutes ago, Booch said:

    I heard the deciding factor to get him the nod was his TD strut lol

    I don't think it was. ......also rumour has it that Matt seen himself on tv after doing the mcgregor strut and he vowed right then and there that it would never happen again.   And to date it hasn't. 


    33 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    He’s not MY game managing quarterback!! 

    I thought Nichols has stepped up to being a "game changer".   He definitly changed his style and play the second half of the last game.....enough to secure the win even.  Let's hope he keeps it going and the bright lights don't cause another one An done come the WSF...

  3. 1 minute ago, WBBFanWest said:


    While 17to85 might not be on the short list for Canada's Ambassador to the UN, at least he's not here under a false flag.

    I agree those that come here from Saskatchewan pretending to be cfl fans,  who say they jus wanna talk football but can't wait to trash the Bombers....yes they need to be straightened out.  But straightening them out by talking like a rider fan just looks silly....sometimes when you are reading these types of posts you can actually lose track of who is the bomber fan an who is the rider fan.... I'll never understand why some lower themselves to the green standards...

  4. 2 hours ago, MC said:

    I think that Harris will play long enough to get the rushing crown and then have an extended ride on his stationary bike. 

    I expect Nichols to start and play for a half.  During that time, the playcalling should be conservative with heavy emphasis on getting the ball out of his hands quickly.

    Dressler might not make the plane ride.

    Other than that, I expect everyone else to play normally, unless they have an injury that needs the week off to heal or protect.

    For Harris that should only be one play, two at the most.  He only needs 8 yards for the lead...

  5. He managed the first half,  but that wasn’t working. So he changed in the second half,  finally started connecting on the long tosses,  and became a game changer an won the game!  Just in time for playoffs we hope.

    what part is wrong Atomic ?......cause it's pretty much how I seen the game unfold

  6. 45 minutes ago, JCon said:

    My friends and I have decided to go to Regina, if they host the WSF. So, I hope Calgary wins. 


    For those that have gone to Mosaic, how is the standing room area in Pils Zone? Tickets are pretty reasonable at $31. How is the mood and the atmosphere? 

    If yer wearing your colours you will be met with good cheer and nothing but smiles.  How you think the atmosphere is going to be,  people yelling at you walking around like they just escaped the movie one flew over the cuckoos nest.

  7. 9 minutes ago, J5V said:

    Going with Nichols was the safer call. I think it was about self-preservation. As a player's coach, it looks good, and having gone with the veteran QB, if we don't make the playoffs, O'Shea may live to see another day. If O'Shea stays with Streveler and he struggles and we don't make the playoffs, O'Shea is toast. Thankfully it worked out. O'Shea couldn't go far wrong sticking with his guy in Nichols. Nichols was the known commodity and he wins a lot of games. The urgency to win was apparent and it's a good thing we did start winning when we did or we may have missed the playoffs. As it is we just barely made it.

    We don't know what would have happened with Streveler.

    The down side to the self-preservation angle is that if O'Shea had stuck with Streveler and he had caught fire, and we make the playoffs, we have a young, strong, developing QB on the upswing with a capable, steady journeyman there to come in when we need him. To me, that would have been the ideal situation. That's why I would have preferred that we had stuck it out with Streveler but I can understand why MOS didn't. Why roll the dice if you don't have to?

    Matt Nichols may be totally opposed to becoming a,  "journeyman QB" just yet.

  8. 1 hour ago, USABomberfan said:

    Meantime ... Not that anyone cares but Hamilton is getting whooped.  For all the knocks Nichols has gotten, it appears Masoli is a fake QB.  Those 300 yard plus passing games appear to have been the product of Brandon Banks catching it short and getting yardage after.

    So who can the Bombers sign that would play like banks and help Nichols to get more than one 300 yard game a season ?

  9. 14 minutes ago, USABomberfan said:

    We need SSK to lose badly today so that they have no confidence going into the playoffs.

    Or.......If they win their fans will be so stupid about the win that the players will think they have all ready won the cup, and they will go into the playoffs way over confident. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    No matter who the credit goes to, the second half was the best (IMO) half Nichols has played. Ever. He showed that he could ad lib and throw the long bomb. I still think he could have used Wolitarsky more, but a win is a win.

    You could say that was the best second half that the whole team has played this year.  Nichols did not win the game all by himself.


  11. 8 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:


    Nichols is but a win away from changing his moniker from " game manager"....to "game changer".  I think Nichols long passes that he connected on last night were game changers,  partly because many didn't think he could do it.  And he did it more than once in the same game.  

    Not sure what's going to happen against Edmonton next week, are we playing to win ?  Are we sitting anyone for the game ?  Hopefully Nichols gets the win no matter how it plays out.....AND THEN he dominates our first playoff game,  making plays that change the game to what he wants.  Ultimately helping the Bombers to a cup win and matt from then on  entering the class of QB's known as game changers. 

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