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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 1 hour ago, USABomberfan said:

    We've just not had our luck against these guys in meaningful games recently.  Time to change that.

    Along with this game, the Riders must choke at home tomorrow so we can romp into Mosaic in the WSF and murder them.

     Not having any luck against these guys is an understatement...... Nichols is 0-8 playing them.  If Nichols wants to pull out the silly walk again tonight would be a perfect time to do it.......

  2. 2 hours ago, WBBFanWest said:

    I'd say anyone who is not so needy that he needs people to react to his posts would say the same thing, but some people love to seek attention, negative or otherwise, and so our skunky friend trolls merrily along.

    Jus for the record.  I don't care about reactions that I receive.  I do like to let others know when I agree with their comments so I will give likes An such.......and I give out the trophy thingy so I can keep count how many times people have referenced or used my screen name in their post.  

  3. 51 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    It would be nice to see Nichols get the respect he deserves. What’s his record since taking over for Willy in 2016? If you don’t think there’s a correlation between us turning around as a franchise then you’re out to lunch. Let’s enjot what we have going now. Was Nichols great during our losing streak? No. Is he a contributor to our 8-5 record with him in the line up? Absolutely. 

    Wouldn’t any player on the team who has been here since the turn around warrant as much respect ?

  4. 1 minute ago, USABomberfan said:

    Well, if the defense isn't doing its job, I'd say we need a new DC first lol

    I totally understand that..... I was just speaking of being able to fix things during the game.  If we make the playoffs and are one and done again there may be a few new people in positions by the first game next year. 

  5. 1 minute ago, USABomberfan said:

    I don't think that's quite what he meant.

    I think most know Nichols doesn't necessarily put up those 300 yard 4 TD games, but as long as he's seeing the field well and keeping the offense on track, we got enough balance with the run game to make those numbers work.  Rather he just do his job than try to do too much.

    My not wanting the crossover is because as to that defense, I'll actually give Richie Hall credit for getting into Collaros's head with how he attacks SSK's offense.  That is the one bright spot he has for this year.  But he still stinks at scheming against Masoli and Harris, so yeah, gotta hope our offense scores 40 or more to beat those guys.

    Exactly......if our defence is not doing it's job then we need a QB who can change the game to his teams advantage......and not just keep "managing"

  6. 43 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    Do we really need to pull out his playoff stats for you yet again? Nichols wasn’t the reason we haven’t won in the playoffs.  Our defense was painfully bad. 

    Absolutely no where in my post did I say Nichols was the reason we haven't won a playoff game to date.

  7. 5 minutes ago, jazzsax said:

    I still don't get why people live like this. I carry a mortgage (with a good chunk of equity), and an LOC for an emergency. Charge everything to my cards and pay it off in full every month. Agressively paying down the mortgage and choosing not to have all the toys now (buy a car 2-3 years old instead of new so someone else can pay the depreciation), then drive it into the ground.

    Easiest way to retire is have no mortgage. By the time you've paid off your mortgage your housing costs are dirt cheap --- utilities / insurance and maybe property tax, which honestly a small pension can cover. Even if you work part time, you can survive on way less than normal. 

    We're in an age though where everyone wants instant gratification. $1000 cell phones and $100 plans. $90 internet. Come on... find the cheaper route and make it work and then live like a hog when everyone is struggling to retire.

    I retired at the age of fifty owning my own home.  I do owe 6 months on my 0% interest Camaro loan, but that was planned and has been a blast for traveling.  Zero other debt.  Have a LOC that I haven't used in over twenty years.  Man,  I should talk the wife into flying down for the Calgary game Friday night.......

  8. 1 minute ago, bearpants said:

    Based on your stats here... I wouldn't go with lucky.... i would say they are propped up by 2 or their three phases... Defense wins championships (that's still true today)... but you have to score some on offense...

    I believe it's around 1983-1995... or something along those lines.... most old people just associate everyone under 30 as a "millennial"... which is fairly inaccurate

    Those dates definitly show that I am not a millennial,  thanks.  

  9. 13 hours ago, Rod Black said:

    And you wonder why your called a troll. 

    You personally attack me .....and then you call me a troll ?  Too funny.


    14 hours ago, WBBFanWest said:

    Oh I know.  But you millennials need to learn to figure things out for yourself.  Can't always have the answer handed to you.

    I checked it out, I am not a millennial. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

    Sue you for not coming across as smart? 

    For whatever you think mattered. It's your joke.

    12 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    It would have been faster, easier and a whole lot more informative for you, than what I quoted here.

    Still don't care lol.

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