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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 15 hours ago, Mr Dee said:

    They’re not the same.

    Jefferson was showboating. Nichols was mimicking a crowd favourite. An inside joke as it were. A lot of people didn’t know that walk, myself included. 

    A lot of people didn’t like it. My fellow watchers just laughed it off. 

    Knowing the background helps. It was a funny 😆 

    Others have mimicked Arceneaux’s strut. No offence meant, none taken.

    Time to lighten up.

    The funny part was he chose to mimick somebody who just lost a major bout.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Deiter Fan said:

    NS took a lot of crap for expressing his opinion on the other board about Nichols and I was actually one that used to give him that crap. But after this season I'm starting to recognize what his concerns were/are and happen to agree to a large extent that Nichols is not the future of this team.

    Nichols behaviour and play this year has really soured me on him. You're free to disagree with that...that's your (and all other poster's) right. But the personal shots lacking any other comments of substance is just weak.

    Thanks ....I think lol

  3. 2 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Absolutely ******* pathetic, eh?

    Personal shots? Uh, you just showed up here and all it's been from you is posts sticking up for NS and his assclown antics. Had you bothered to actually read through the read instead of playing Mr. Interwebs White Knight, you'd see many of us have already expressed our opinion on the matter.

    Calling out a well paid athlete for celebrating a huge play that resulted in a TD and then not letting it go while continuing to dig oneself into a hole after being called out by just about everyone here is trolling.

    An who is it exactly that "won't let it go" ?........lol

  4. 2 minutes ago, Deiter Fan said:

    So Nichols is above reproach because he's "well paid"? That's some pretty sketchy logic. I happen to think that because he's well paid he is wide open to criticism. He's been an average to below average QB this year and this last game did nothing to change that perception.

    Finally...he didn't just celebrate...he was making a statement that appeared to say "Hey all you naysayers, look at me and how great I am". That, to me, is not the act of a confident QB.

    That is exactly how it appeared to me as well...........

    ..and as for calling me a troll just because I am not 100% sold that Nichols can win us a cup,  well that's just silly.  

  5. 30 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Cause no one is complaining that Gaitor celebrated his TD. No one is complaining that Streveler celebrated his TD. ETC ETC ETC. It's fine to not like a player, and Nichols certainly deserved his criticism this year. But complaining about his TD celebration or his lack of huge numbers in a blow out win is stupid.

    I was laughing at it more than anything.  

  6. 7 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    A coward and a liar. Nobody banned you. Your account is still active. You're just too much of a puss to go back there after your transparent act got thin and everyone called you out. Which is basically the same thing happening here now.

    Hardly a coward, and no reason to lie.  I have emails from a moderator saying exactly what I said here.  I find it odd you need to be lieing about it here now (?)......

    and how is it an act just because I am not 100% sold on matt getting us a cup ?..... lots f posters have posted not wanting or liking certain players all over the field......why would this be any different ?......

  7. 14 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Because you're pig headed stubborn about your hatred for Nichols. 

    You can deny it all you like, but bottom line you got a beef with Nichols for whatever reason and you won't give him credit for anything and will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince yourself you are 100% correct. 

    If you wanna get it correct it's just that I don't believe we will win a cup with Matt Nichols. And I do not "hate" any player,  we don't use the word hate much in our household.  I will still cheer for the Bombers no matter who starts every game.  And if you are really worried about posters here hating people who work for the Bombers you could go defend Hall, Lapo, Fogg, etc etc

    13 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    He wasn't banned. His account there remains active. He just bailed like a coward. Hopefully, history repeats itself.

    And look at you continuing to make stuff up eh lol.......the thin skins won't let me back in there unless I change my name and change my opinions...... talk about a cult they got going on over there.  

  8. 13 hours ago, 17to85 said:





    walk or behave in a very confident and typically arrogant or aggressive way.

    "he swaggered along the corridor"

    synonyms:strut, parade, stride; 



    a very confident and typically arrogant or aggressive gait or manner.

    "they strolled around the camp with an exaggerated swagger"




    So like I said, he was literally swaggering down the field, and you pump up Streveler for having swagger, but when Nichols does it it's silly. You can't have it both ways, all you are doing is proving your bias against Nichols. 

    Big Chris does it without even knowing he is doing it.......Matts attempt just looked silly......even the timing of it was bad.

  9. 1 minute ago, Rod Black said:

    I’m actually thinking this thread might be bait, to stir up a commotion. I dunno. 

    He never said you said it was swagger. It might surprise you that others have imagination or experience to appreciate and have lots of fun with Nichols play. Your spite of a great play, demonstrated by slagging an expected and harmless celebration confirms your begruding and shallow attitude. 

    I would tell my own kid the same things if he ever did that in a game lol.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Rich said:

    Man are you spinning to fit your narrative, and this post just shows how biased you are on Nichols.  

    It was a great play.  When a QB and receiver hook up to make a play like that, let them celebrate however they want.  Was a great play, was great to see the team and Nichols pumped to do it. 

    I would like to respectfully disagree with your comment about me spinning my narrative.  I am not changing anything I said from the beginning, I am just correcting others who are putting words in my mouth/narrative, words that I never said or typed.  

    It was a good play.  I am not trying to stop any celebrations.  

  11. 9 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Aren't you bitching non stop about Nichols literally swaggering down the field after a touchdown pass? 

    I never called what matt did after finally connecting on a long ball TD as "swagger"..... I am calling it the silly walk.

    When a player can pull off the swagger it actually intimidates others......Matts celebration did not do that yesterday. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    The point is he's pissed off Nichols threw a beauty bomb and showed some swagger afterwards. How will Big Chris get on the field if Nichols does stuff like that? It's not fair and Nichols accomplishments and being proud of them is a personal insult to people who don't like Nichols.

    Lol....... sorry I ain't pissed, and of course I am happy we won....... but in no way will I ever support that silly walk that matt did lol. 


  13. 28 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

    Let’s see, at IGF fans cheered, players hooted and hollered, coaches smacked backs, fans at home high fived, north end crowd went crazy again, Bob Irving even raised his voiced and called it a beautiful pass by MATT NICHOLS. 

    Wtf is wrong with you man? Anyone that celebrates is a ******? Have you ever met anyone that’s had success? 

    Again.....I am not dissing the fact anyone celebrated..... I am laughing at Matts specific choice of celebration....... 

  14. Just now, blue_gold_84 said:

    Then why did it count against his passing stats yesterday? Oh, yeah... Because he was the QB who tossed the TD.

    Lol.....I guess the TSN cameras are going to have to key in on the quarterbacks now for all further thrown touchdowns lol.... wouldn't wanna miss that celebration from Matt again 

  15. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    He is a one trick pony that I think a lot of us are tired of. He never has anything good to say about Nichols & no matter what good things he does it's never enough. We just embarrassed our arch rivals at home by shutting them out & all he can do is complain about Nichols strutting after throwing a 79 yard TD pass?? That's just being petty.  You're right that I shouldn't have said what I said but I don't sense a lot of sympathy for him, either.  I do apologize for saying what I did. 

    I thought t was a 72 yard toss ?................. and just because a person is a Bomber fan that does not automatically require them to pump the QB's tires for any little thing. 

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