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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. Just now, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Northern Skunk, you are so full of ****. You ***** about Nichols when we lose. Now you ***** about him because he strutted after throwing a 79 yard TD pass to Adams? Some posters complain about Ripper being here. He's always behind his team unlike you. Moron fans like you that are the worst. Like cancers in the locker of a football team. You are a cancer on the board here. You never have anything good to say. The only thing you do is ***** & complain about Nichols. Your pettiness is pathetic. 

    The strut walk looked silly.  That is all I complained about.  An

    Man Nichols #'s yesterday were are from anything heroic or even memorable........let's not get ahead of ourselves here eh.....

  2. 2 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Yeah, I doubt Matt Nichols gives a wet fart what you think or what advice you can offer. Even when the guy does something well (throwing the long ball is hardly his strength), you have to poke holes in it and resort to needless and over-the-top criticism. Give it a rest.

    He had every right to celebrate that TD and there was nothing wrong with it, so quit being butthurt about it and enjoy the win - the win Nichols helped the team get.

    You need to stop assuming so much about what others post.  I never expect anybody within the Bombers organization to give a wet fart about what I think.  Do you think they give a wet fart about what you think ?  I never poked holes in matts toss to Adams nor did I critisize the play......... I laughed at his cocky walk,  I could see if this was the third or fourth long TD toss in the game walking off like that......but when the fans have been waiting all season for it then it looks quite a bit silly.  And that's just my opinion,  something everyone does here. 


  3. 1 minute ago, NorthernSkunk said:

    It was the way he celebrated....... and it was over the top for what he finally accomplished...... he should have reacted with a fist pump, ran and congratulated Adams,  An then got off the field acting like he has done it hundreds of times before.  The way he did it made it look more like he was trying to give it to the boo birds of the stadium who called him out during his 4 game winless streak.  


    Unless Matty has a big scarey chest tattoo..... then maybe he can strut like that lol

  4. 7 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Yeah, how dare he enjoy hooking up with Adams for the biggest play of the day and celebrate that TD.

    Even after a win, some here choose to ***** and complain. Of course it's the usual whiny suspects. Says a lot.

    It was the way he celebrated....... and it was over the top for what he finally accomplished...... he should have reacted with a fist pump, ran and congratulated Adams,  An then got off the field acting like he has done it hundreds of times before.  The way he did it made it look more like he was trying to give it to the boo birds of the stadium who called him out during his 4 game winless streak.  


  5. 20 minutes ago, Eternal optimist said:

    For those interested, historical regular season records of crossover teams, to date:

    Year - Team - Record (W-L-Ties-OT loss) -> Playoff result (in bold)
    2017 - SSK - 10-8-0-0 | 1-1 (Lost East final)
    2016 - EDM - 10-8-0-0 | 1-1 (lost East final)
    2014 - BC -  9-9-0-0 | 0-1 (lost East semifinal)
    2012 - EDM - 7 - 11-0-0 | 0-1 (lost East semifinal)
    2009 - BC - 8 -10-0-0 | 1-1 (lost East final)
    2008 - EDM - 10-8-0-0 | 1-1 (lost East final)
    2005 - SSK - 9-9-0-0 |  0-1 (lost East semifinal)
    2003 - BC - 11-7-0-0 | 0-1 (lost East semifinal)
    2002 - SSK - 8-10-0-2 | 0-1 (lost East semifinal)
    1997 - BC - 8-10-0-0 | 0-1 (lost East semifinal)
    Combined: 90-90-0-2 | 4 - 10

    Things of note:
    (1) There has never been a crossover from the East to the West, for most of the leagues history, there have been five teams in the West versus four in the East, making a West->East crossover more likely than an East->West crossover.

    (2) To date, no crossover team has ever advanced to the Grey Cup - let alone win it.

    Personally, just based on historical results, I'd say through the West is best... for starters because I want to see this team beat Calgary in their own barn, and secondly if they were to somehow become the first crossover team to win it all, 'Rider fans would always put an asterisk beside that win "well yeah, but it's because you took the easy path through the East..."

    I don't care what a rider fan would think If we went through the east and won it all.  Rider fans don't make the rules, even though some of them think they do.

  6. 44 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    The offense went super conservative in the 2nd half. They were up 31 points, no need to take changes, they knew damned well that if they didn't turn the ball over there was no chance Saskatchewan was going to come back. I too would have loved to see them drop 60 points on those assholes but I'll settle for building a big lead early and crushing their spirits by simply not allowing them to get any traction through big plays. 

    I wasn't looking for 60+ points, or to even kick a field goal with less than 30seconds in the second half.  It just felt odd that we are all getting this feeling that the the team is getting on track for the playoffs,  yet we couldn't even move the ball into field goal territory and take those points at any point but the end of the second half. Even with playing conservatively and against the lowly riders.  


  7. 10 hours ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:
    9:38 Saskatchewan Zach Collaros pass to Kyran Moore for 10 yards to the Ssk45. FUMBLE, recovered by Wpg (Anthony Gaitor) and returned for 45 yards for a TOUCHDOWN. 0-6


    Bombers won 5:22 into the game. Hell- our offense didn't even need to play today... lol

    That's what the riders have been saying for awhile now.....

    ....it would have been nice if our offence could have generated some kind of points in the second half though.....getting absolutely zero points looked terrible


    6 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    By your horribly flawed logic, other high salaried players on this team aren't worth their salaries, either - because they didn't win in the playoffs. That's not how it works, though. How many more times do you have to trot out that invalidated narrative? A win is a team accomplishment and while Nichols has been terrible to mediocre at best this season, he did more than enough in 2016 and 2017 to contribute to this team's success, especially in the playoffs.

    You seem to ignore the stats whenever they're posted, so here they are again: 2 GP, 61/88 (69.3 COMP%), 761 yards (380.5 YPG), 5 TDs. From an individual standpoint, those are the kinds of numbers you need from a QB come playoff time. 

    Furthermore, had he maintained his level of play from the previous two seasons (among the best pivots in the league), he'd certainly be earning his salary in 2018. But the reality is not the case and the WFC will have a hard decision to make looking ahead to 2019.

    I personally feel that winning is a team accomplishment.......but I also believe that those who handle the ball more also shoulder more of the responsibility....... plus I get confused when O'Shea states that, "Matt Nichols has won us a bunch of games ".. why doesn't he just say the team has won a bunch with Matt at the controls ? 

    yeh those numbers look okay in hindsight......but the fact was he needed to do more to help the team win...

    the decision may not be that hard if Bennett and Big Chris step up 

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