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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 11 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    He missed a catch in OT and tipped it up. Very lucky it wasn't picked or that would have snuffed the drive and virtually ended it for Winnipeg.

    He has a habit of untimely fumbles and tips for picks.

    Demski, on balance, is more of a liability than an asset.

    If we are using "balance" to measure then why is Nichols still playing lol.

  2. 12 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Sure but when they break back towards their own line of scrimmage they have a huge advantage.  That's Canadian football, the offense has a huge advantage with unlimited motion.  You can cover off short routes and see if you get beat deep or lean more on the deep routes and come up to make plays on the ball and tackles.  Most teams choose the latter because they don't want to give up multiple 70 yard plays every game.

    And if I got this right, then Hall chooses the latter as well right (?)....   so he would be co-ordinating like the majority..

  3. 15 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    1957 Grey Cup - Buddy Tinsley (WPG) & Steve Oneschuk (HAM)

    Buddy Tinsley (left) & Hamilton's Steve Oneschuk shake hands just prior to kickoff of the 1957 Grey Cup at Varsity Stadium in Toronto.  The Head Referee is Paul Dojack. Just look at Tinsley's pants. Very interesting. 

    Wow Toronto couldn't sellout a grey cup even way back in 57' .......

  4. 19 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

     Will Matt Nichols the Game Manager come to play?  

    I thought I read some quotes from coach O'Shea not too long ago where he removed the "game manager" moniker from Nichols..... I just can't remember what he replaced it with...

  5. 21 minutes ago, trueBlue83 said:

    sure glad it's not a home game tonight... this weather would have sucked to sit through!  my buddy going to the game tonight said its about 8 and partly cloudy, no rain in the forecast!   should be perfect conditions!

    What time did it start getting nasty in the peg ?.....I left at four this morning to make sure I didn't get caught in any of it....

  6. 14 minutes ago, Bomberfan85 said:

    No, it's that both numbers are ridiculous. Not surprising coming from Rod Black but still ridiculous. I've noticed the difference between watching the two leagues too. You watch an NFL game and they actually talk about what is going on in the game. Seems so simple. You watch a CFL game, particularly one called by Rod Black, and you hear a commentator who fixates on one or two players and just won't budge. It's really frustrating, especially when they just talk about whatever while the play is going on.

    Kinda like when Gretzky was playing..... 

  7. 11 hours ago, Floyd said:

    No I'm just saying your posts lately are very troll-like... same with J5V... its true

    NorthernSkunk, Source, etc... all posters that glorify in the bombers' failures and downplay success


    Wtf are you talking about ?..... you think it's a glorious feeling being the fan of a team who hasn't won the cup in sooooo long ? 

  8. 14 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Did no one watch most of the game? Offence sputtering? They put up points. drove the field...and reminder, they did so usually from the opponents side of the field. Hard to get those nice stats when you only need 40 yards for a touchdown. 

    Offence did its job. Defence was lights out. Special teams held it down. How anyone can complain after a win like is beyond me.

    Matt going 16/20 for 179 yards and one interception was not overly impressive. And Harris getting 73 yards on 20 carries was mediocre.

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