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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 6 hours ago, WBBFanWest said:

    You do realize that budgets don't work that way right?  Heath gets the money that is budgeted for health, infrastructure the money budgeted for infrastructure, etc.  They don't say, "well we were going to do these transplants but lets take that money and give it to the Bombers for a stadium instead."  If health needs more money for what it does, it presents it's arguments, just like every other department does.  If people aren't getting the health care they need, it's not necessarily that the government isn't giving Health enough as much as it is that the Health agencies (the RHA's) are designating  that money for other things, like lots and lots and lots of administration. That and the difficulty in providing care to people in a fairly big province that has a huge majority of it's people in one area.  Means that the system will always be skewed to one group of people at the expense of everyone else.  

    I totally understand once the money gets filtered down to that part of the system what is going on.  I am talking about before it gets to that point,  like before they even take it from me...  if there was an option when paying taxes that people could choose that says their tax dollars would not be used for building new stadiums or arenas, I wonder how many would choose that option ?.....  

    so still fans of the new stadium should never ***** if they have to sit in a waiting room for an extended period due to staffing shortages...... cause when they first divided our tax dollars they could have put more into health and less into building a stadium..... but I will say the day the government can show me in solid factual numbers how the stadium has brought in more tax dollars than they put out to build the stadium, well that would settle it all.  How come they never do that ? 

    Blue_gold_84 you old thin skin lmao.....is it bugging you still just how correct I was about the Bombers QB situation last year, I just realized every snarky face you give me reinforces my points from last year.....lol.......say hi to the rest of them for me okay, thanks.  

  2. 10 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    We're all angry with the way this season has gone 

    I am not angry,  maybe a little bummed when I have to converse with rider fans but I definitly am not angry.  It's sports,  and then it's  entertainment nothing more than that.  Im sure all the players are giving it 110% and want to win as much as we want them to win. 

  3. 15 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    We beat em in Edmonton last fall, why don't we do it again this year? 

    Honestly when I look around the CFL I don't see any team that the Bombers can't beat if they are playing well. Now people are down on them right now because they haven't been playing well, but this weekends game was a step in the right direction regardless of who they were playing, so let's just let the rest of the season play out why not? 

    People act like Edmonton is this monumental challenge but they're only 1 win better than us right now for all the problems Winnipeg has had. Just take care of the ball and move it a bit on offense and see what happens. There's a whole lot of meh teams in the CFL this year, think they call it parity, all it takes is a hot streak, and as the Riders have shown you don't even have to be good to get a hot streak!

    Nice post.  

  4. 12 hours ago, Sard said:

    The fans were cheering the fact that Nichols got up with a little bit of fire.  It got the team fired up to see him take a big hit and pop back up with some enthusiasm... fired up the crowd too.

    If he was smart though he would have done the hook slide........... An really how many big hits can he take before one knocks him out of the game... it's not what he gets paid for

  5. Simply “managing” the game is not enough to win it all and bring home a cup.  The QB needs to “own” the game when out there. 

    One play that was funny last night was when Nichols had to run it,  he made it a ways but not enough for a first down... he took a pretty good hit on the play pretty much in front of the Montreal bench, all the drunk bomber fans on that side of the field gave him a big cheer so Matt gets up like he is hulk hogan or something and acts all tough for the fans....then he trots off the field because they never got the first down.  I said to the wife wtf is everyone cheering for, we gotta punt now. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, SPuDS said:

    You mean like Nichols did the last 2 seasons??


    Oh those dont count now.. gotcha.

    Nichols never "handled" the position to the point of getting people excited enough to think about the Bombers having a prolonged playoff run........all he did was "manage" the games, just enough to get some wins during the season.  Relying heavily on the Harris little dump offs over and over until every other team in the league shut Nichols and Harris down.  And the last four games have not helped Nichols cause even in the slightest way.

  7. 9 minutes ago, J5V said:

    And of course, a rookie QB couldn't possibly be successful.


    Nichols ain't ever going to win a grey cup,  ever.  It's time to get Streveler some meaningful reps,  and if he totally shows zero promise then get Bennet some reps.  The QB position can be a turnstile until somebody proves they can handle the job.... 

  8. 4 hours ago, JCon said:

    I think it's been widely agreed on this board that receivers are not making plays. If they were, things may be a bit different. 

    We're not looking at the same Nichols as we were a year ago. He's obviously injured, as indicated by the huge knee brace he's wearing and he's forcing throws, making bad decisions. If his receivers were making plays and catching the ball, his confidence might turn around too. 

    We'll see. 

    I have never agreed with that about the recievers... many times Nichols throws are not in the right spot for the receivers, they do all they can to get a hand on the ball but when it ain't the best spot for a catch it makes it look like the receivers fault.


  9. 3 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    High hopes? Not really. All @JCon did was quote Streveler's stat line from week 2 and the number of points by which the Bombers beat the Alouettes that game. Keep in mind, though, he only passed for 246 yards.

    Some really need to learn how to pay attention.

    JCon was saying IF Nichols was to put up those numbers....it doesn't matter who else has done it..it would still be high hopes for Nichols to do that well.   We all hope he can,  I guess we will see in a few hours.

  10. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    So, if the Nichols goes 22 for 28, throws 3 TDs, and the team wins by 46 points, it will be a failure? 

    What bizarre thinking. 

    Lol...... you got high hopes eh....  how many two n outs for Nichols before the boo birds come out,  Nichols needs a sustained drive the first time he gets the ball.  Any bad throws in the first series and it could turn into a long night.

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