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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 31 minutes ago, trueBlue83 said:

    if Nichols is having even a half decent game, O'Shea will let him ride it out to the full extent and try and build up any shred of confidence he can.  It's clear Streveler is going to be nothing but an absolute last resort.

    Yeh, I see that happening.  The worst then would be Nichols getting hurt in garbage time.......like I said earlier so many side stories to this game,  right to the end of the game.

  2. 12 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Holy ****. I sometimes think I'm too negative here calling for the firing of MOS & his staff if things don't improve which truly bothers me but you take the cake. I at least, hope the Bombers turn it around while you hope they lose every game by 50 points.  It's crazy some of the things you say while pretending to be a Bomber fan, my God.  All you do is talk trash.

    I don't believe he is a bomber fan...... him thinking Bowman is gonna get over  200 yds and 2 or 3 touchdowns sounds like something a rider fan would predict against the Bombers...

  3. 35 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    Someone said the Amerc's tuning in to Johnny football will put Wpg. on the map, to many down south....Well we are already on the map , in plenty of hollywood xmas, wintery movies, where they change the name of Winnipeg to some city in the states...They just don't know the streets belong to our fair metropolis

    You are talking about the Albert street area aren't ya......


  4. I think I picked an interesting game to attend.....so many side stories....and I get to see Johnny football play.   If Matt helps to win the game for the blue great, if not and Big Chris comes in and pulls it out to beat Johnny that would be fine as well, even Bennett winning would be good.   But if Johnny somehow found a way to win I am sure I will experience the full sound of the boo birds...... it's gonna be entertaining .

  5. 29 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    A win in front of the sold out stadium the other day would have helped ticket sales.

    And sticking with " Mr 5 int " will discourage a fair number people.

    Also, lowering prices now, it's annoying. Lower the prices a bit when the place is full. Give the fans a break when they're at the game, not some other time. 



    I don't care, I just purchased two tickets for fridays game.  Man I hope it don't rain on me again this year.


  6. 42 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Mark Stephen pbp man of the Stamps tweeted this morning that Davaris Daniels has a broken shoulder. Likely done for the year. Stamps strongly considering bringing in Bakari Grant. But not us. 

    MOS still has players that he is loyal to even though he cut them earlier .....probably wants to give them a third or fourth shot at makin it....

  7. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I think our 2 biggest problems are evaluating talent & the type of receivers we need to play in our offense.  We can't find the talent to bring in. When we do we can't seem to coach them up.  Or they don't have the ability to stretch a defense.

    Other than Adams, we are a team of possession receivers because that is what we do. LaPo runs a possession type passing offense. Control the ball, spread it around & take time off the clock.  We don't even try to go vertical that much. We have a one dimensional passing attack yet Calgary can do both. Spread the ball around or go deep. Why do we have to be an either/or passing attack?

    This is the first time I've felt that LaPo needs to go. This offense isn't going to go far with the offensive philosophy LaPo believes in. I think a new OC with different ideas is needed. We really see how ineffective it is when Dressler is out. It shouldn't be that way. 

    We need a QB that can do more. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    How about just changing the launch point, you know roll him out of the pocket, why have him stand there like a statue waiting to be sacked. 

    Change it for Nichols ?.......it wouldn't matter for Nichols because his mobility is severely lacking.  Once he picks a direction to move or run the defence are like hungry wolves on a sick yearling moose....

  9. 7 minutes ago, Dragon37 said:

    Streveler doesn't scare anyone either in case you didn't notice he was 1 and 2 and passed for less than 200 yards in both losses and had virtually the same production as Nichols. The QB problem we have is coaching. 

    Nichols has 72(?) starts and is now producing 200 yard passing games.......Big Chris got his feet wet early in this league and matched Nichols....... I hope we can revisit this after Big  Chris starts 70 more games......

  10. 1 minute ago, trueBlue83 said:

    Kaepernick won't come to the CFL with his lawsuit against the NFL still up in the air... that would be admitting that he doesn't have the game left to play in the NFL (even though a few years removed, I'm sure his lawyers have told him not to entertain it).  He's going to win that lawsuit, so I don't think he needs to play football again, and he'll be just fine financially.

    And no concussions to deal with in the future.....Kaepernick will be fine without ever playing again.

  11. What do we have to lose by giving Big Chris another start and see if it brings any kind of a spark to the team ?......I could be in Wpg this Friday night if I wanted( got a flight on Sunday),  thinking I should attend the game.  It's gonna be interesting no matter which QB plays and how the game pans out...........could start with huge cheers, or huger boos.  

  12. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    That is odd criteria. Comebacks don't have to happen on the last drive. Fact is that this team was in a lot of holes last year and the year before that they had to dig themselves out of.

    They may have dug out.....but when they looked around they didn't know which way to go.

  13. 1 minute ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    What I'm saying is grabbing the hair shouldn't be an automatic penalty like grabbing the facemask is, but the pull should be a penalty for rough play, especially when it's that blatant in the open field on a guy running full speed.

    What if they just grab the hair and hang on. No pulling just hanging on and letting the weight of their body slow the runners momentum .... kinda hard to judge for a penalty I think.

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