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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 8 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    My question always is, who out there the last 3 seasons was available & better? There wasn't anyone as far as I was concerned. For what is & was out there, we still had someone better in Nichols.

    Now, this off season some veteran qbs are (hopefully) going to be available yet I don't see Reilly or Mitchell straying too far from their respective teams. I believe Trevor Harris may be a free agent. Do we go after him in a trade? Lulay is virtually finished as a player. Not a fan of any Argos qbs. Pipkin is still too green but I see the Als signing him. Pretty risky to give the keys to the car (franchise) to Streveler next season with such a limited body of work. So, what do the Bombers do? 

    Lots of game time yet this season to build a body of work for Big Chris.  

  2. Not sure if it's my place to start a thread like this.  I am thinking we are cheering for Montreal to win tonight so we can keep BC as far below us as possible,  or are we cheering for BC to win so maybe Montreal and Toronto both stay below us in the standings,  thus helping with the crossover ?........No, a BC win ties them with us so then we gotta start winning immediately........ugh it's so hard to pick 

  3. 1 hour ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

    Yes. To us. At the Banjo Bowl.

    Edit: Or was it Labour Day? One of those two. The Riders got a penalty, and then the command center called down and added one to the Bombers.

    Did they really add one to the Bombers, or were they just reviewing the whole situation so it was handled properly ?

  4. 19 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The black has spoiled the Stamps uniforms.  Maybe a little would have been fine but they're ugly now with the black pants & stripes running up the side of the jerseys. Can you imagine if Wade Miller started incorporating black in our uniforms & helmets just because he liked black? Ugh.

    It probably wouldn't bother me if we were in the play offs as much as them.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Luck has nothing to do with it. Before this year, Nichols played a smart, controlled game, but he has devolved into forcing the ball, missing the receiver or just flat-out throwing  brain-dead chucks.

    K, maybe that is what I am seeing. Nichols is forcing an just chucking the ball hoping for a bit of luck to go his way.  

  6. I started asking early last year if our backups were any good in case Nichols went down.......and man did I get a ton of flack for it.  I told people I didn't think Nichols was good enough throwing long,  he wasn't a good scrambler or runner,  to me he just didn't own the field when he came on.  No other teams have ever feared him in my opinion.  Those people that gave me flack don't want to discuss it this year.  

    But,  if he starts I will cheer for him to do everything he needs to in order for us to win the game.  At least until he messes up anyway.

  7. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You don't? Well, if you don't know that a regime change sells hope & optimism to fans, then okay. By sticking with the same guy for 6 years with no changes isn't a big deal? A majority of fans would disagree with you. Look at the gnashing of teeth over Hall & LaPolice. They're coordinators. Not the Head Coach. 

    For myself it is a lot the QB situation that gets me excited and wanting to travel to a game to see the Bombers play....I am a fan much like brett c b........discussing going to the Montreal game now


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