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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 17 hours ago, Rod Black said:

    Wolitarsky suggested Streveler come to town because they were tent mates in Scouts or something like that. Well, that’s how I remember it. 


    17 hours ago, Rod Black said:

    Wolitarsky suggested Streveler come to town because they were tent mates in Scouts or something like that. Well, that’s how I remember it. 

    Big Chris and Wolitarskey played football together in college.  

  2. 21 hours ago, J5V said:

    Walters the GM and O'Shea the Head Coach came into this thing together 5 years ago. 5 years is a long time.

    Walters' job is to bring in the players and he has brought in some good ones, especially Canadian talent, but has it been enough? How does his work compare to that of John Hufnagel, Ed Hervey, Brock Sunderland, Chris Jones, Eric Tillman, Kavis Reed,  Marcel Desjardins, and Jim Popp?

    O'Shea's job is to coach and to get the most out of his players. How does his work compare to that of June Jones, Mike Sherman, Rick Campbell, Marc Trestman, Wally Buono, Dave Dickenson, Jason Maas, and Chris Jones?

    I'll go first.

    I'd put Walters ahead of only Kavis Reed and maybe Ed Hervey, but just barely.

    I'd put O'Shea dead last. 

    I'm curious how the rest of you see it.

    Who gets the credit for Streveler being here ?........... cause for me it's simple,  who ever finds the next "franchise QB" who actually starts winning playoff  games and a cup or more...... and the coach who starts that franchise QB.....  they will be Bomber legends for awhile after that

  3. 27 minutes ago, blueingreenland said:

    Another QB prospect falls by the wayside...sounds like a soap opera.


    I sure hope Shreveler is the real deal and we can sign him to another contract.

    STREVELER..........  we should be able to sign him once he has been shown management believes in him.  As long as they do it before some other team comes along and promises him more playing time.

  4. Just now, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Threw into traffic but it was right on Washington.  Can't go up for a ball with one hand, either with two or don't touch it at all.  Cardinal sin of receiving.  If he goes up with two hands he either catches it or the ball is on the turf.

    Somebody better tell Odell and Duron ..... lotsa one handed catches lately...

  5. 6 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Catch it or knock it down, you don't go batting it up into the air. That's on the receiver. Never mind that all across the CFL other teams have receivers that make tough catches for their qbs, you think Reilly and BLM hit everyone perfectly? Hell no, those guys help their qbs and as much as Nichols is having a tough go right now when was the last time we saw his receivers really help the guy out? 

    Streveler threw a nice TD to one of Nichols receivers last game......heck of a job he did keeping in bounds

  6. Just now, SpeedFlex27 said:

    What I've been saying. Our American receivers aren't helping Nichols play better. I know the play you speak of.  Our qb is in trouble & they do nothing to help him out. Somehow that's on Nichols? Either these receivers don't work hard enough to get open or they can't. 

    Or they are and matt ain't throwing the ball when he should........

  7. 1 minute ago, 17to85 said:

    OK but I will judge receivers who drop passes that hit them squarely in the hands on 2nd downs (Thompkins and Adams on Labour Day, Washington volleyed up the first INT too, who knows what happens if he either knocked it down or just let it do by) So you can go ahead and keep pinning it all on Nichols but his receivers ain't helping him. How about the play where Nichols rolled out of the pocket to escape pressure and none of his receivers could get open for him and he had to throw the ball away? How about all the times the pressure came and there were no options for Nichols? Either Lapo has no plays called for that (unlikely much as I think Lapo is a ***** sometimes) or the receivers aren't getting open for the qb. 

    Somebody here posted that at a game they were at recievers were open,  other posters have said the same.  The talk now is that matt can't pull the trigger when he needs to...... yes bad drops by receivers suck, do we have more than any other team ?....again that first interception was on Nichols bad throws....and when the pressure comes he needs to run

  8. 19 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Similar to pulling the goalie it's not all about the one position, it's also a good swift kick in the ass for the rest of the players to get their acts together. 

    Nichols has been let down by the receivers a lot lately,yeah he's made some dumb dumb throws too, but really needs more help, perhaps Dressler is too much his crutch, but either way the receivers need to be better. Hell the first INT on labour day the receiver tipped it up for the DB to get it easily, if he doesn't tip it at least the db would have likely had to at least dive to make the pick.

    That tip for the first interception was a bad throw by Nichols.  It's all ready been discussed somewhere on this board.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    It just seemed like everyone stepped it up when he was on the field...

    I'll say it again but it actually feels like you can feel the extra energy the team gets when he comes into the game..... like you can feel it right through the television.  

  10. 2 minutes ago, Booch said:

    13th in league in rushing..6th in TD passes and 10th in rushing TD's...all with starting only 3 games of which were basically only after 3 weeks of "Intro to Canadian Ball 101" and limited spot duty...how he can't do any better and most likely make things happen out there that most QB's in this league can only dream off seems pretty unlikely...time for his shot...because as it stands our QB position isn't getting it done

    Do you remember me saying he was never going to get it done lol.


  11. 45 minutes ago, SPuDS said:



    now its streveler.  people around here.. I cant figure out how they haven't learned patience when it comes to QBs yet.

    Then teach me....all I have is well over twenty years without a grey cup...... please teach me where patience gets us a cup. 

    I say if the guy does good...and he looks good.... and he did what was asked of him.... then give him another down. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    I can't see any western cross over team advancing very far this year.

    Hamilton & Ottawa are both set at the qb position and Montreal seems to have found something Pipkin. Toronto is the only week link in the east right now. 

    Hoping for second in the west.... but would settle for the cross over....it's always better than nothing right ?

  13. 18 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    If its Labour Day and we're already hoping that the team is good enough to make a crossover, that says something really sad about the 2018 Bombers/

    I hope we at the least maintain the crossover spot.... but,  by that time we have the QB situation figured out ....  then we plan the parade

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