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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 1 hour ago, Eternal optimist said:

    I think you're underestimating the damage that could be done to Streveler... how many other promising young QBs have floundered in a Winnipeg offense, played a few games, had their teeth kicked in, then are sent packing or released? I think he's a great player, but anointing him as our starter in arguably the toughest section of our schedule, when the offense is struggling is nothing short of throwing him to the wolves. Doing so could cause serious long-term damage physically to his body, and mental damage to his psyche and confidence.

    When he did start he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying his time out there.  He even brought an extra energy when he played.  He looks like a player that doesn't worry too much about stuff other than just playing a game he obviously loves.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I think the same way. If fans think having Streveler in there will mean a radical departure from what we're doing now, think again. 

    All we need him to do is use his legs and have a higher completion rate then what matt has right now....... it would wake up all the players....then they rally..... then we have hope again. Right now all hope is lost with matt starting.......zero excitement when he goes on the field.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Eternal optimist said:

    By no means is this loss all on Nichols, but that's two games in a row where he's had the opportunity to drive the field - and has thrown a backbreaking interception instead.

    Or he throws it too high...or he waits too long then throws it out of bounds....or he throws it behind the reciever.....or he throws it into the turf short of the receiver.....etc etc

  4. 2 minutes ago, White Out said:

    ok lets cool the jets about that late 4th quarter pick. the 1st one is on the receiver who volleyball tipped it to the Riders.

    He had a bad game, no doubt. I also don't doubt if the receivers did their jobs we would be a in different place. I'm willing to concede Nichols had a game. But the Nichols hate club is trying to pretend the D was good. I won't abide it.

     Nichols threw too high on that first pick.

  5. Just now, White Out said:

    The oversimplification of this post is breathtaking.

    Yes, his late game pick was bad. It was Drew Willy Banjo Bowl bad. But we we're quite a long shot to win anyways at that point.

    If you feel good about this teams D, I don't know what to tell you. Again, another 2nd half collapse. Totally unreliable secondary. If you think Streveler is going to pass to himself and not drop his own throws, ok sure. But this team is need of a lot more than a simple QB change.

    Gotta start somewhere...and lots of reasons to start at the QB position........ it helped Montreal a bit so far

  6. 3 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Once we stopped pressuring Collaros the game changed.  No idea what hall is doing as DC. Nichols has to play better but so do his receivers. 

    The receivers need to learn to jump higher for when Matty throws to high....and the receivers need to learn how to catch it when matt throws it into the turf in front of them...... pretty tall order to ask don't ya think

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