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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    yeah and I wish Walters was anywhere close to as good with the american scouting, but he's provided stability, especially with his drafting and it has set the team up for long term success because of it. 

    Zero guarantees of long term success in the CFL..... way too many variables 

  2. 10 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    He did make an effort. He started running, realized he wasn't going to catch the guy and that was it. He had absolutely zero chance of catching him. Of all the stupid things he did that game, people are complaining about a play in which he had no chance of making a play (besides the throw).

    I just caught this play again on wired up tonight......and yes technically you are right, Matt Nichols could not catch Davis at that point.  Mostly because Matt can't run that fast to begin with.......... I wonder if Big Chris could have caught him though (?)..... 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    My beef is not and has never been with this management. The problems with the team appear to be with the coaching and possibly player recruitment. The point is that a rookie GM and a rookie head coach at the same time  taking over a troubled and talent-poor team is pretty much a recipe for struggle.

    How long until they are no longer considered rookies ?

  4. 1 minute ago, SPuDS said:

    And yet... cut in camp.


    And they had crap for QBs.  remember folks, hes had 2 games.  DCs now know his tendencies. We've seen many QBs come in and look great for a game or 3.. then splat.

    That is why it is going to be interesting to watch Big Chris Streveler the next time he gets a game start...he is approaching that splat or looking real legit time for him....

  5. I heard Matty  saying it  on the tv during the game.....when they would go short yardage An bring Chris in Matt would go running off the field with his arms up yelling " BIG CHRIS...BIG CHRIS" ..... then Chris would do his thing, I just thought it was cool. 

  6. 4 hours ago, USABomberfan said:

    I really can't help but have this nagging feeling he's playing injured, even if assertions are being made to the contrary.  Don't feel like QBs just lose their accuracy without being hampered by something.


    Maybe it's the film room stuff.  Matt gets to see what Chris has done in the game when they are going over film right ?  Maybe that is hampering him. 

  7. Matt starts...if he doesn't perform OSH gives him the hook at the right time.....then BIG CHRIS is called in.....an the riders don't know how to adjust to Big Chris and it gives us enough to win the game........

    Or Matt and everyone supports each other and pulls out a win. 

    Either or I am hoping for.

  8. 9 minutes ago, ddanger said:

    I also think a split is coming....perhaps during the upcoming bye week we could see a coaching change on defense.

    A split would keep things status quo as that equates to a 500 season.....which lots of people seem to be happy accomplishing. Which means nobody gets fired anywhere.

  9. 1 minute ago, Mark F said:

    I don't like asking for someone to be fired. 

     But if Hall is going to be let go, I would like it to be now, so that O'Shea does not have that excuse card to play at the end of the season, justifying  O'Shea hanging on for another year or two.

    People are actually hoping for an Eastern playoff spot. how pathetic is that?


    I would take an eastern playoff spot over no play off spot.  But beat the riders twice and we should be fighting for second in the west. 


    5 minutes ago, do or die said:

    Would like to bet that our D can hold this Sask offense......to less than 500 yds in offense.  Yet my house is staying put.

    You should start a poll for guessing the yards against through the air.......or combined yards whichever..... 100-150 150-200 etc etc  lol

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