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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. You gotta have enough hope that the Bombers will do well enough to win next Sunday..... and also win the week after that.  For me, it's because if they don't my Saskatchewan season ticket holding relatives will be blowing up my phone for a month after with stupid flatbilly jokes about the Bombers.. ., an I hate when that happens.

  2. 3 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Again, watching other receivers do things our guys can't. Have to wonder why we are so weak overall at the receiver  position?

    We are not weak at the receiver position.....we are weak at the guy who throws it to the receivers position.

  3. 35 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    What about this season? What's with all the long pass attempts lately? That **** clearly isn't working, so why do it? Why not go back to what worked in the past?

    Nichols needs to be way better in his execution but the play-calling lately has been utter trash.

    Did I not see a stat saying the Bombers were third over all in some kind of longest td's stat ?....... if Matt could have hit his long shots today he would have been a hero.... for some reason he couldn't today

  4. 1 minute ago, Old Bomber Fan said:

    Doesn’t matter if you put Steve Lee in at this point LaPolice has not adjusted as have calgary....they know he can’t throw long and will give him the second and 7 all day long. Calgary going for the 10 yard passes with yac after that. We can’t cover that either. Defence tired

    It could totally make a difference.

  5. 2 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Streveler is honestly the perfect change of pace guy.  As long as Nichols doesn’t get his panties in a bunch about it I could see it being very useful giving Streveler a series here and there and maybe more depending how it goes.

    He just looks strong when he runs....... it brings more to the Bombers offence being able to plow ahead like he does...

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