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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 4 minutes ago, trueBlue83 said:

    I think doing what's right would be playing through the pain to the point that you can't physically do it anymore.  

    Even if it costs the Bombers a win ?...... to me it just doesn't sound very smart when you have a new QB on the bench who appears to have a ton of upside.  

    Plus what if matt injured himself further, like to the point of ending his career. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Why do you think Pipkin would get snatched up? He'd sign with the Als when his contract is up. As far as JJ goes, he looked good early in his career but flamed out. Over the years, I've seen a lot of qbs come & go so I'm a little more cautiously optimistic than you are.  No question Pipkin could be a great qb but I think it's still too early yet to proclaim him the Saviour in Montreal. 

    He might not be the saviour yet......but he sure brings some excitement.

  3. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Oh stop. Just stop. Stop.  Just Stop.  Blah, blah, blah, blah.  Is this some kind of Red Badge Of Courage thing for you? Is Matt supposed to jump up & laugh at the Stampeders defense everytime he gets hit? Is he supposed to scream, "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT???" Then thump his chest & call another play?  No qb likes to get hit. Stop talking such crazy s h i t.

    UummmmMm.....  yes.  Look like a tough guy football player. Let the other team know it doesn't bother you... 

    like I said let's watch the game and see how matt reacts...

  4. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Hamilton might be in the mix now with Williams out with a suspected ruptured Achilles.  Don't know if they are but I wouldn't be surprised.  Losing Willimas is huge. 

    You heard them say that on TSN last night. 

    Or it was an interview with jones after the game..right ?..... I seen it in the tweet thing here this afternoon


  5. 20 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Sure lickety split because offensive playbooks are so easy to do. 

    Is that not what they work on all week...... 1st team offence.....2nd team offence..... etc etc

    plus Streveler adds the mobility and maybe even escapabilty in his game.....

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