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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 6 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Oh please the "whining" by Nichols is nothing. That's just frustration from a losing effort coming through. Guy isn't like that, just a heat of the moment lapse in his usual attitude. 

    Watch when Matty gets hit tomorrow......last game he did not like it. I am really curious to see how tough he is going to be tomorrow in order to get that win and get us closer to second place in the west.  

  2. 5 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Good gravy... LOL

    To suggest Streveler is some mystery commodity to the point he'd be a "nightmare" for opposing defences because of his running ability is highly debatable. The Ti-Cats easily held him in check the last time he started a game. Teams have film on him now and are well aware of what he brings to be table.

    Does Nichols need to be better? Yes, absolutely. Along with several others on both sides of the ball (the hogs had an awful game last week and it's time to part ways with Lankford). Does Streveler starting give this team a better chance to win? No, and especially if the gameplan on offense stays the same.

    I don't think the gameplan would be 100% the same for Streveler as for Nichols........what pro coaches/ co-ordinators would ever do that ?....... 

  3. 42 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Reilly is not a mobile qb as he has had knee & leg injuries. He can evade the rush or roll out but he seldom takes off for a lot of yards downfield.  He throws from the pocket. And you can't compare their receivers to ours. The Esks are light years ahead.

    I can agree with that.... it's the evading the rush that I am noticing  that is helping 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    There is the whole reading the defense thingy to consider.  Coming in and running few plays on a limited playbook works good in the short term.  Sooner or later you have to be able to stand in there and run the offense. Sandlot will not get it done once all the teams have film on you. I think this is a great young qb and I think he will be pushing for a starting spot by next years training camp.  Right now, no way I would start him.  Its still Nichols team.  I wouldn't however let Nichols play all the downs, especially when he is sucking. Good way to light a fire under Matt's ass is sit him down when he is not performing to the level the team expects. 

    Yer just scared to play against Streveler 😃

  5. 4 hours ago, J5V said:

    Agreed and here's my strange mindset ... after the egg Nichols laid last game followed by the whining  I'd start Streveler against Calgary and call it a "hunch". If he sucked I could always revert to Nichols, but it would definitely send Nichols a message and if he kept whining he wouldn't get any more starts. I'd continue to play whichever one was producing on the field, loyalty be damned. It would force Nichols to STFU and play better and/or it would give Streveler the development time he needs. A win-win situation AFAIC.

    I don't find that a strange mindset.

  6. 3 hours ago, Eternal optimist said:



    I am very conflicted by your statements.

    I want Matt to do well And win this week, and win us a cup.  Then we watch the games and here we are.  Also I am excited about what Streveler might be able to do.  Gotta watch the next game now....

  7. 18 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

    Don’t include me as one of the fans that have a sense of hope with Steveler. Do you honestly expect that Streveler will win a Grey Cup before the venerable BLM? 

    I have not thought that far ahead.  Right now I am hoping matt can win the next three straight games for us.  

  8. 17 minutes ago, Eternal optimist said:


    Ahem ... this is a public service announcement from the voice of reason regarding other quarterback "changes" we have made in the last decade:

    2008 - Kevin Glenn / Ryan Dinwiddie
    2009 - Michael Bishop / Stefan LeFors
    2010 - 2012 - Steven Jyles / Joey Elliot / Alex Brink / Buck Pierce
    2013 - Max Hall / Justin Goltz
    2014 - Drew Willy / Brian Brohm
    2015 - Robert Marve / Dominique Davis / Matt Nichols

    I've highlighted quarterbacks that have actually done something relevant (at least when they played with us) in bold. Grass isn't always greener on the other side ladies and gentlemen.

    The highlighted QB's didn't win us a cup either...... Matt is our hope right now, these next two games are gonna be huge for fans to start wondering if the grass might be greener this time....

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