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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 48 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    How can Reilly get away with a  skyball like the TD right now to Mitchell? He never even saw him. Nichols does that & it's a 120 yard pick 6.  I guess the old adage that winners find ways to win & losers find ways to lose is true.

    He never threw it to Mitchell....he tossed it up high to an open area in the endzone while knowing he was going to get hit,  and Mitchell knew what Reilly was doing and went and got the ball.........if Matt keeps tossing up a few long ones every game our catches will come as well.  It's like playing a lottery, you can't win if you don't play. 

  2. 1 minute ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    With a statement like that it's no wonder you are who you are.

    And who is it you think I am ?.....lol....... my opinion is that Streveler could step on the field for us and produce instantly, as well progress really quick to whatever his ceiling is going to be playing in the CFL..... I am hoping he accomplished this with the Bombers.  Matt is slower, weaker physically, and after that whine he had last night he may appear weaker mentally as well now. Again this is just my opinion, I am not trying to convince anybody else of this. 

    Carry on.


  3. 14 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    They were talking about the fans booing Nichols. They weren't booing Nichols. They were booing O'Shea for pulling Streveler & putting Nichols back in. As the fans weren't booing Nichols then how can they talk about the fans booing Nichols? 

    I was booing Matt going back in.

  4. Streveler is bigger stronger and faster than Matt......Streveler has shown lots of upside and potential...... it's gonna be horrible if we lose him because we didn't use him.  This "developing" thing people use to keep him on the bench confuses me, don't players get 90+ % of their development done by the end of their college days ?....once they get to pro don't they then need to get on the field to get that last % learnt ? 

  5. 1 minute ago, Goalie said:

    Yes. The experts are wrong and you are right. Bombers ARE loaded with O talent. Its just that our OC has no answer when our main one, 33, gets nothing. 

    Our O is pretty 1 dimensional and predictable. You can accept it or not. Its the truth. You take out Harris and we suck... The talent is certainly there tho. 

    If we have to rely solely on Harris he won't be in good enough shape for the playoffs again.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Oh now Rod "Fanboy" Pederson is chiming in saying Nichols needs to "toughen up" about getting booed. Saying when it happened to the great Getzlaf he replied "i deserved it"

    Nichols took a hit early and got knocked on his back.....you could clearly see that he did not enjoy it one bit and it took his breath away a bit.... .i was saying then he needs to toughen up and not play like he is looking scared. 

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