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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 2 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    Comes to a Bomber fan site, ******* about Nichols, is surprised that he gets push back. 

    You're entitled to your opinion, but then again, if you're going to criticize, don't piss and moan about pushback, because we're entitled to comment about your opinion 

    I am not pissing nor moaning.......... I just don't think it's right that people are saying I said things that I have never said.


  2. Just now, Goalie said:

    Normally trolls dont get worked up about being called a troll. 

    I am not worked up at all, I find it funny that people jump to using that term just because another poster doesn't think like them.  And I wasn't trolling in the playoffs, all I did was say the real jets in my opinion are in Phoenix.  I am not a jets fan, that's just a fact.

  3. Can somebody show me where I blamed Nichols for the losses.  And I have given Nichols credit for getting to where the team is record wise.   .....and I definitly never " hate" players.......

    .....I hope Matty can get his ring with the blue and gold this year.....and maybe another one after that.  

    ..sorry if I don't drink as much of the Kool-aid as some


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