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Deiter Fan

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Deiter Fan last won the day on September 22 2019

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  1. Better the devil you know
  2. That's certainly one way to look at it. Toronto saw/knew all the same things we did and went with him and it paid off pretty well. Another example of coaches/management with better insight/foresight? Dumb luck?
  3. I get you're being facetious...but that description reminds me of a quote I always try to remember. "I may not know the secret of success but I do know the secret of failure and that's trying to please everyone" There may be some aspect of that at play here.
  4. Holy ****. I thought they might use a topical just to aid in stitching...but they clearly shot it up. And they still sent him back in. Wow. He could have done more damage to it and not even known it....and he would have had no touch on his passes. Did I say "wow"? Wow.
  5. There's no way they would have numbed it, right? Because if not and it was aching/throbbing...I could see a guy rushing a throw to get it away before getting hit/banging it up even more. Not even necessarily consciously...just out of sheer reactionary self-preservation. Just too many reasons to not send him back in.
  6. He's really lucky he didn't suffer any nerve damage. I could see nerve damage on that finger being the difference between highly successful and just good
  7. Lol...obviously people improve from their earliest beginnings. My first days as an announcer were nothing to write home about. But that's as much just overcoming self consciousness as anything...but once guys/gals find their groove very rarely do they stray from that style. Most don't even bother to try.
  8. Especially that finger. The index fingertip has the most sensitivity of any finger on your hand.
  9. According to Zach the it was deeply lacerated at the uppermost joint on his index finger and took 5 stitches to close. I'm no professional QB but have thrown enough footballs over the decades to know that's gonna seriously affect your ability to grip and throw a football.
  10. Man, and there it is. I'll relate to this in the best way I can within my vocation. How many announcers...CFL or otherwise...can you say the exact same thing about? Rod Black was the same Rod Black when he started as when he walked away. Suitor is the same Suitor today as he was 10 years ago. Dustin Neilsen will be the same...with the same calls, inflections and vocal/grammatical crutches...5 years from now as today. You can obviously get away with that lack of reflection/change if you're naturally talented or have a significant depth of knowledge in politics/entertainment/sports depending on your milieu...but in athletics it spells doom whether an athlete or coach.
  11. Geez, I saw that comment on X and damn near swallowed my tongue. Brady was pretty clear tho..."Something has to change because what we're doing isn't working"
  12. Another officiating crappy honker to add to the list. Would it have changed anything? Obviously we'll never know...but when you add them all up you can't tell me it wouldn't have added up to something.
  13. The poor coaching and offence is totally overshadowing the fact that we got fn jobbed hard by the refs, TSN and command center. I watched that Lawler catch over and over with the only replay angle they gave us...and I couldn't see his heel touch the line. Likewise a pass breakup on Demski or Lawler where the DB was way early and they never even gave us a fn replay. All the non-calls for holding (which I know can go both ways) and obvious offsides not called...but the lack of replays on close plays was a real tell that they didn't want us examining the calls.
  14. Even on the 2 deep TD passes to Klaw in the West Final Klaw had to gear down on one and turn around on the other cuz Zach couldn't hit him in stride.
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