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Justin Case

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  1. As menotioned above. Montreal has really tried to make a similar situation work. Up until this season. The ALS previously had a very good defence under the direction of D.C. Noel Thorpe. The unfortunate thing is Montreal never found a solid gamer for the QB position. The Bombers have a good defence and special teams hold their own as well. No doubt Streveler plays with a lot of emotion and Intensity. I’m just wondering if LaPolice feels Chris Streveler can be coached to where he is a solid starting CFL QB after one year. I didn’t check on Strevelers current CFL Contract. Is Chris still under contract after the season? Or is Chris in and amongst all the other QBs waiting for a new CBA then working out a contract? If he isn’t under contract it will be impossible to get any QB to sign until the CBA is put to bed
  2. I always laugh how people try and justify their recent loss by going back in time to their great grandpappys days. Sorry but in today day and age. It’s what have you done for me lately. Sadly there are thousands of Bomber fans that have never seen their team win a Grey Cup. The team you speak of has won Cups in 2007 and 2013. So their younger fans have been drawn in. While it’s getting tougher for the young ones to get pumped about the Bombers.
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