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All In on Blue

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Everything posted by All In on Blue

  1. Dispute if all you want but Most of the injuries in kids hockey comes from collisions with other unsuspecting players or players heads hitting the ice which has a lot less give then a grass field . Kids are skating at a higher speed than running speed so the Impact is that much more powerful.
  2. Many parents in Manitoba and canada as a whole refuse to put their children in football because of their perception on head injuries in football. At the same time those parents allow their kids to play hockey even though the percentage of head injuries in hockey is comparable to football. Most of these parents probably played hockey in some capacity or a big fans of hockey so they disregard the fact that hockey is just as dangerous. One thing that I have noticed in football is that they are evolving the game and are actively taking steps to prevent those head injuries by reducing contact in practice, ensuring that all coaches are trained in safe contact ( taking the head away from the point of contact) and training coaches on identifying the symptoms of concussions.
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