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66 Chevelle

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  1. it's sad that the entity that holds the exclusive rights to televise the CFL can't find value in promoting the product... if they are claiming that the current numbers don't support inclusion then not including them will do nothing to grow those numbers... it's like they've given up... on the other hand, maybe it speaks to their confidence in there being a 2021 season... either way it's disappointing...
  2. the reason why NFL fans don't care about the CFL is because they aren't aware of the CFL... true story... as a life long NFL fan I can tell you that I had completely forgotten that the CFL even existed... if it weren't for my favorite college player coming to Canada to play it still wouldn't have been on my radar... there is absolutely zero sports talk about the CFL in the states... sure, ESPN carries a hand full, maybe 4 games a year on the deuce, there is no media coverage here... if ESPN Sportscenter were to actually have coverage of the league during the season I believe you'd see a large spike in interest... Maybe Ambrosie could pursue getting ESPN to actually include the CFL in there "world wide sports coverage"... just a thought...
  3. getting more interesting now... all NCAA basketball tournaments, both men and women, conference and national play, will play in front of no crowd...
  4. Seattle will be playing in front of a crowd of 0 this week, per the governor... game still televised...
  5. i'm pretty sure that's not how it works... from an advertiser's point of view I'm sure that there is a formula that probably goes something like "% of total viewers=number of related sales" ... if that weren't the case there would be absolutely no need to track overall viewership and you would only see veiwership numbers in relationship to potential markets...
  6. the point I was attempting to make wasn't that the TV ratings for the CFL were small but that the CFL is able to be viable with that level of veiwership... given the similarities in league cost per team, etc., one could draw the inference that another league in a different market could possibly do the same with similar numbers... however, for anyone to believe that the XFL was going to come out of the gates and put a product on the field to rival the NFL, CFL, or even a major college program were simply fooling themselves... after all, the NFL has been in existence 100 years, the CFL for 107 years, and the NCAA for 150 years... the XFL... 4 weeks... but to think that there isn't dropped balls, interceptions, and at times just poor play in general in any of the aforementioned leagues is equally as foolish...
  7. you mean like this former Bomber's catch yesterday? yeah, total crap... lol...
  8. didn't the AFL end in 1969 when it merged with the NFL? bottom line is, I'm a fan of football... I follow high school football, NCAA football, NFL, CFL, and now the XFL... and not necessarily in that order... I follow NCAA and CFL at a much higher level of interest than I do the NFL... I've actually watched every CFL game during the past 3 seasons... in all honesty, I see the XFL much like the CFL in terms that it more accessible and affordable for the common man to be involved in and support... I'm not sure why that's a bad thing...
  9. you calling me old? lol... it's all good...
  10. yet someone here created a thread to talk about it... and you come here and read it... and respond to it... you must have at least an inkling of an interest, wouldn't you say?
  11. reading on a text based message board... imagine that... who would have thought...
  12. because it doesn't matter how big the market is if nobody cares in said market... LA was and is going to be a dog regardless of how good or bad the product is, they can't even support an NFL team the majority of the time... NY is another place that should have been avoided given all of the current pro teams they as well and given the possibility of bad weather would you expect someone from NY to go to the games? much like Toronto, if the local market doesn't show up to the games, those outside that market become indifferent to watching or supporting that team as well... empty seats tells people that the product isn't worth tuning in for, whether it's true or not... even though Dallas isn't doing terrible in attendance I would have avoided them as well, especially when you had another Texas location that proved the year before that they would support a spring league with big numbers in San Antonio... San Diego would have been a good choice as well... then I would have looked at maybe Oakland instead of LA... with them losing the Raiders and their track record for supporting football it would have been a much better choice for a California location... last week's NY/LA game, The top 5 local markets were: Cleveland (2.4 rating), Houston (2.4), Nashville (2.4), New Orleans (2.4), and Buffalo (2.3). No one from NY or LA watching... the DC/TB game, The top 5 local markets were: Tampa-St. Pete (2.4 rating), Cincinnati (1.8), Buffalo (1.4), St. Louis (1.4), and Ft. Myers-Naples (1.3). the SEA/STL game, Top Markets: St. Louis (8.1/20), Seattle (3.7/11), Memphis (2.6/5), Dallas (2.0/6), Atlanta (2.0/6) and Cleveland (2.0/5) the DAL/HOU game, Top Markets: Houston (3.27), St. Louis (1.63), Austin (1.59), Dallas (1.56), Jacksonville (1.23) as you can see, LA, NY, or DC didn't even crack the top 5 of any game let alone their own team's game... also, the TV ratings aren't as bad as some would like to believe... it has as much to do with the channel they are on as it does the games themselves... right now games are on 5 different networks, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when you look at the overall numbers it tells you the network airing the games does play into the success of the broadcast... if the XFL were on only ABC and FOX , you much like how the NFL does it's TV scheduling, the numbers would be a lot more impressive... ESPN does decent but ESPN2 and Fox Sports are a harder sell, the numbers bear it out regardless of the match up... for instance... ABC has had 5 games in the first 4 weeks, veiwer totals were 3.3M, 2.1M, 2.4M, 1.9M, and 1.6M or an average of 2.3M per game viewing... FOX has had 5 games as well, viewer totals were 3.3M, 3.4M, 2.3M, 2.1M, and 1.8M, or an average of 2.6M per game viewing... ESPN has had 2 games, viewer totals were 2.5M and 1.5M, or an average of 2.0M per game viewing... but when you drop down to FOX Sports you see drastically different results from the same game and teams... they have had 3 games, 1.4M, 1.0M, and 1.1M, or an average of 1.2M per game... ESPN2 has had only 1 game that drew 1.0M... I guarantee you that both ABC and FOX , and even ESPN, are more than tickled with the ratings... ESPN2 and FS1 drags the overall numbers down... but even so, last Sunday's game on FS1 only drew 1,1M viewers, which was actually up 11% from the week's before game of 1.0M viewer, it still ranked 7th out of 150 cable tv shows on Sunday... also, it pushed FS1 to #1 in viewership among cable sports networks between 4-7pm ESPN2's game on Sunday between between DC and TBay had the lowest ratings of any game so far this season, only 1.0M, yet their prime time telecast was ranked 9th out of 150 Cable TV programs. attendance at St. Louis was been so good that they are opening up and selling tickets in the upper bowl on the 'home side' for the rest of the year... the Bombers only had 1 home game last year that drew more fans than either of their first 2 home games and that was the Banjo Bowl... with a little tweaking along the way this league has a legit chance of making it... in most likelyhood it will fail like all others have but it's not as grime and dire and most haters would like to believe... I watched both games yesterday and they were fun to watch... you have to remember that most football fans are not nearly as critical of the game as those of us that spend time here... it doesn't have to be the best football, just entertaining football... I've been to all 4 of St. Louis' games this year, enjoyed each one of them... I've even have suite for all of their home games and I can promise you is absolutely no need to have crowd noise piped in at St. Louis... in fact, you'll see even the home team having to cover the ear holes on their helmet to hear the play call... but I get it, some feel threaten by the new league, or simply feel their is no way it could ever succeed but remember, the CFL only has 9 teams and has been around for 107 years yet they only average 4,000 more fans per game than a 4 week old league... TV numbers aren't even close... through the first 4 games of last season the CFL average around 500,000 viewers per game... if the CFL game survive on those numbers I find it interesting that many here don't believe that the XFL could as well... it will never be the NFL, but no one will ever be the NFL, but if the numbers maintain they have a real chance of making a go of it... alright... hating starts.... NOW! lol...
  13. If the XFL fails it won't because of the time of the year or the quality of the game, it will be the markets that Vince chose to locate teams...
  14. I'll be in Dallas for game 1, Houston for game 2, and St. Louis for games 3 and 4... I'll let you know how it goes... being told that the first home game in St. Louis is expected to be a sell out...
  15. you know why a divorce cost so much? because they're worth it...
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