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Everything posted by Jdub33

  1. Even when I was an every day active participant on team forums, I didnt post on ourbombers. It was generally only after games between the two or a comment here or there that was always met with me being a rider troll. So I stuck at esksfans and gostampsgo where if I commented after a game, it might seem like trolling, but I had reputation behind me.
  2. I dont hold out much hope for the Riders. YOU are one of few here that *would by the name I used to use* remember me from when I used to be on these sites a long time ago. Not from this one. Ourbombers sporatically, but back in the day on the stamps and esks sites
  3. When I used to heavily participate in these forums years ago (not this name), it was always on other forums. I was banned from the rider site back in the ridergirl days. Reinstated after that, posted for a year maybe. My posts here over the last few weeks (all right now except for 1 a couple weeks ago) are all Ive posted in years. And I didnt really post here then either. But Im a rare breed in that the bombers have been my 2nd favorite team my entire life.
  4. Ok, I missed that. I apologize in that case.
  5. My apologies for bringing common sense and objectivity into the discussion. You are absolutely right. You lost this game because your #1 defense crapped the bed against a terrible offense and the bombers missing star players on offense meant they couldnt bail the defense out against a team with a defense as terrible as the rest of the team.
  6. But according to Bomber fans on this site, neither was Nichols much of a starter when he was playing. There are threads after every game this season to prove that (or at least a season long Nichols complaint thread that died ONLY after he got hurt). I would understand fans criticizing the Riders defense, considering the Bombers offense owned the 2nd half statistically despite missing key players on that side.. but does the Riders offense suck?? Or did the Bombers #1 ranked defense, that they rely on to win EVERY game, make them look bad? Either the Riders crappy offense made the Bombers defense look good or the Bombers great defense made a good offence struggle. You cant claim both.
  7. I could say it, but I wont.
  8. So everyone on Sasks Dline sucks yet they are 2nd in sacks? Johnson is useless but yet he warrants a double team? And Hughes falls off when its all on him, despite being the sack leader 3 years in a row between cal/sask and leading again this year? Ok. A lot can be said about the Riders but your pushing it with this "insight".
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