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Carlos Harper

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  1. Not to argue but apparently not.
  2. I have twice recently had to acknowledge troll and spam warnings in order to continue to access the site. It now appears as if I have been given demerit points and suspension of posting privileges. Smart money would say my time here will be short if that is all that it takes. Originally was not sure if it was a ruling or an accusation but would like to challenge the call if in any way possible and see what the command center has to say on the matter. Certainly don't feel I was trolling in any way and even started my reply with "respectfully disagree". I understand that long time posters are suspicious of new members. Anyway... thanks again for the friendly Manitoba welcome not that it was needed.
  3. Theoretically Walters deal is up as well with no news of an extension. If I remember correctly Walters re-signed prior to O'Shea and believe MOS re-signed going into the third year of his deal back then (2015).
  4. Think George Costanza working for the Yankees. Miller's activities are largely self directed with little to no accountability. He reports to the board of directors once a year. There is no team mandate for him to be involved in stadium management, concessions or other sports. His role is not football operation related other than ensuring adherence to organizational objectives and policy. Believe Dana Spiring is the governor and represents the Bombers in league matters.
  5. As crazy as it sounds they would be every bit as qualified as Wade Miller was when he got the job. Take a couple of years to learn, no big deal. Buy a soccer team cause your doing so well at football.
  6. Same question if he walks.
  7. Respectfully disagree. Bombers have signed plenty of vets and have relied heavily on free agency to build the team. The solid foundation you speak of is not there imo. Team is littered with entry level contracts and first year starters. No prospects outside the CFL to speak of. It's a tribute to Stanley Bryant that he has been able to stay healthy at 35. The long snapper is 38 and still has a spot on the roster for another year. Good luck to them the rest of the way but even if they win the cup I would still be doubtful that long term success with this group is guaranteed.
  8. No fix for this year coming. All that's left is to fight for whatever they can get with whoever they have left and who knows on that. A Janarion Grant return could be the difference in any upcoming game. For the future, the answer is to back up the truck. Problems on the field are only symptoms of the real issues with the team. Bombers need to have a GM that can objectively evaluate those working under him and there needs to be a CEO capable of objectively evaluating the GM and that's not happening. It's all about hoodwinking the fans with these guys. Life has truly never been better. Pick any season ticket holder and give them Wade Millers job and things will start to improve. Just saying.
  9. Is there a better place to audition for a coaching position then sitting in on the TSN panel? Worked for Lapo and will work for Benevides imo. Far and away the best technical analysis and looking pretty good in the suit. Imagine MOS in his shorts. Point being there are plenty of qualified people. Actually thought Jim Barker looked good down on the sideline again and what a wealth of knowledge he is.
  10. Respectfully disagree about the job Kyle Walters has done. His best move has been to blow the sms overpaying free agents along with the loyalty re-signings that they seem to like so much. Personally feel O'Shea is a better coach than Walters is as a general manager. If one goes the other needs to follow. Time for Wade Miller to pass the torch as well.
  11. From the Argofans board; O'Shea's contract is up at end of season: should Argos pursue him as and/or GM/HC
  12. Seems the thread has wandered. Just wanted to add to the coaching conversation by saying that both Young and Younger are O Shea guys theoretically working under Hall and good for Richie for putting up with the bs he has taken over the years. Hopefully he has one more book to come. Theoretical question for the masses: If Mike O'Shea is struck by lightning and can't coach who gets the promotion to interim head coach or does Kyle Walters step in? Lapo is the obvious but Hall was a head coach as well and may be a better pick. Personally would like to see what KW could do. Time to get ready for Sask imo. Strap your helmet on for this one.
  13. Won't be surprised to learn the extension is already done for 3 more years. Not the first time this regime has been slow coming forth with details.
  14. Agree 100%. Good post. Authority without responsibility. Goes all the way back to the board of directors. Change needs to start at the top.
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