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Everything posted by Tiny759

  1. I know was meant as a bit tongue in cheek
  2. Sounds like a good time to make real estate investments then
  3. Does anyone know what the real requirements are for this 2k/month in Canada?
  4. My bad, meant to say 6k this year.
  5. 1) be careful on withdrawing money, in some cases there is a penalty if not held in the investment for a certain period. 2) remember the TFSA has a limit of 6k 3) RRSP will carry over and can provide tax advantages for next year
  6. Perfect time to evaluate which securities you own that are undervalued and can be purchased at discount.
  7. Yup exactly, why I said be ready to hold them though, and hopefully the 2000/month helps, if it ever comes
  8. Buy them knowing you will have to hold, don’t try for long position short term profits in an uncertain market
  9. Have not seen anything for people who are unable to get a job due to no job creation.
  10. “The medication they consumed was not the medication form of chloroquine, instead it was an ingredient listed on a parasite treatment for fish.” I know it’s easy to bash trump, but responsibility has to be on the couple when they aren’t even taking the real drug.
  11. Kind of misleading title On this. I read it as meaning treatment available to public by end of summer, yet the video says clinical trial to be held in 4 months.
  12. So like I said, financial aid in a pandemic, but as a whole, ubi shoes no evidence of working over long term views. Also how do you define who gets the money? Who gets to decide this? And well how much are the rich and powerful getting per year?
  13. Difference between financial support during a pandemic, but no it’s never the time for ubi.
  14. Sanders is done, and frankly that’s for the best.
  15. I really hope you don’t lose your job! As a graduating or near graduating uni student, I’m worried that I won’t even find a job this summer.
  16. Sorry was being sarcastic about the schooling. I’m in the same boat in believing it shouldn’t be free. But pretty cool about your son.
  17. Idk if school is free I’m heading down there!
  18. That’s a very good point
  19. So you can buy more than once at different points, and if you are buying right now it’s obviously not for a quick turn around. Hence why in my original post I said it’s not bad advice but not great advice. And well you should take out a short position.
  20. A little testy are we? If you bothered to read you would see I said buy indices or stocks at discount for a long term view.
  21. Yes I was asking a question.
  22. Ok you do have a point there. So maybe it’s more to blame on social media? With people panic buying, cities on lockdown it can cause panic
  23. Also to add how long will this spiral? How do we determine? And you only lock in losses if you sell. Which I never said to do on you long term investments
  24. Right so why not buy Indices at discount or stocks at discount and have a long term view for them while taking small short or long positions for short term gain?
  25. So what’s the right advice? To sell everything right now? If you look at my post you’ll see I mention a short term view and long term. If you believe that stocks will never rise back up and cross these lows then idk what to say.
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