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Fipz's Achievements

  1. Pedal to the metal boys! Don’t let up now
  2. Heading out tomorrow morning! I’m pumped and nervous. Can’t stand Rider fans at the best of times, so coming out with a W would/will be SO sweet! Channeling all positive energy to the boys! They can get it done. Hope to see a lot of blue out there in the crowd, there will be 5 of us there doing our best in a sea garbage green. Go blue!!!!
  3. Purchased yesterday in section 227. Surprising amount of tickets still available. First time in the new building and looking forward to continue being the only team to have won playoff games there 😁. Hopefully lots of blue in the stands!
  4. Haha...totally on accident... my phone glitched on me. Can we erase this topic?
  5. Regina roll call!!! Lots of tickets available for the game on Sunday. I’m planning on going and are wanting to know where to pregame and where Bombers fans are sitting. Let’s go blue!!!!
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