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  1. Big oof! Who will replace his **checks notes** 138 yards and 0TDs in 10 starts?!
  2. maybe Wilson is filling Ayers' role as the rotational DI/Special teams Ace if Ayers walks for more money. ...or Jonathan Jones is our new MLB
  3. Thinking about it a bit though... What if instead of Wolitarsky and his 110k, we let Lawler and his 275k go. Yes we downgrade a bit and yes they are different types of receivers, but a receiving corps of Clercius/Wolitarsky, Demski, Mitchell, Schoen and Rookie American (or third Canadian Wolitarsky) vs Clercius, Demski, Mitchell, Schoen, Lawler isn't that drastically different, AND if you make that swap, you also get 150k+ to spend on another gamebreaker at LB or DL or DB... I think I'd rather have kept Woli and let Lawler walk.
  4. Maybe even before that. For all the success we've had keeping guys around, we've basically hemorrhaged interior canadian OL since Brendon Labatte. Matthias Goossen - elite C, played 4 seasons, went home to be a firefighter. Sukh Chungh - elite nasty G, played 3 seasons, went home to BC. Michael Couture - solid C, played 4 seasons, went back home to BC. Geoff Gray - played parts of 5 seasons, fizzled out and retired to non-football work. Drew Desjarlais - played 2 seasons, went to the NFL, signed back in Ottawa after returning. Liam Dobson - possibly leaving? hasn't re-signed yet. All of these guys are younger interior OL than Kolo and Neufeld, and all of them would be improvements if they still played for us (except maybe Gray who we moved on from). It would be nice if a couple of these elite interior guys that we developed stuck around for long careers like Bryant.
  5. might be true, but between our 3 interior OL, Oliveira, Demski, Wolitarski and even Clercius, we should have at most 1 Canadian on D (Lawson) most of the snaps.
  6. I'd move on from Lawler if we could only pick one of him or Schoen. Rather have the consistent 12 yard guy than the one 50 yard bomb spectacular catch every half.
  7. The Argos seem to lose a few of their good guys to free agency every year the last couple years and every year they find a few more new guys to take their spots and be effective. We seem to have the opposite problem where we keep holding onto guys way past their primes and get to watch them fade away into nothing and be ineffective (Alexander, Taylor, Thomas, Willie - although he was actually good in the cup game, Bighill, Zach, Kyrie Wilson, Sheehan) all are below average at this point and not getting it done anymore.
  8. I'd take Caleb Evans off the Alouettes PR nvm i missed that he's technically six gamed.
  9. How many losses will it take before they stop saying "yeah we'll burn the tape on that one and get em next week" and actually make some bigger changes? My bet is at least 4.
  10. I'd be fine starting Kramdi at S or SAM if it meant we could roster another american on DL or OL. We're getting beat in the trenches again pretty badly.
  11. Hubris is exactly the word for that one. Years of "player x doesnt need to practice" "player y is a pro, he doesnt need reps in the pre-season" "we dont need to use that rule, and we can start 8-9-10 canadians because we're so great" has finally come home to roost...hard. I hope this isn't the beginning of the end, but its starting to look like "just one more year" of running it back without any competition or contingency for the aging out of veterans has finally come back to bite us. It could be a long season - I hope I'm wrong, but I'm worried.
  12. You'd think maybe its the slight competitive advantage - now other teams have 1 less day to pick up a guy from our TC they liked that could be cut loose and integrate them. OR they now have 1 less day to gameplan for playing against player X on our roster in one of our open position battles prior to week 1... ...but at the same time, we're the last team in the league to try and game the system and utilize every inch of advantage (ie starting extra Canadians for the heck of it, refusing to use the naturalized Canadian spot), so it doesn't make sense that we'd be so concerned with any advantage to announcing cuts. Most likely its what everyone has already suggested - we're just too "loyal" and don't like airing our business out until all the hurt feelings have been addressed internally.
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