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Posts posted by Gabriel

  1. Seeing the GOP attack Chief Justice over the DACA ruling is hilarious.  Telling him to quit and run for elected office as if he’s not as entitled to his legal opinion as the other justices.  Once again the GOP doesn’t believe the law applies to them. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    The argument will be it's always been 50. The counter argument will be there are no signs saying 50 max and in a city that is sign crazy...

    If they cared about safety they would have done something to improve it with all that evidence. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, bustamente said:

    The Lincoln project said that they were make Trump cry and go bat shiate crazy with all the ads that they were going to put out, Trump want to bring back jobs to the States maybe he should practice what he preaches


    They’re awesome!

  4. 2 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Former White House Ethics Chief Reveals 'Disturbing' Ivanka Trump Emails. Old messages by the president's daughter come back to haunt her in the wake of John Bolton's book.

    Ivanka Trump, President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser, was conducting government business from a private email account before she was employed by the government, according to records getting new attention this week. 

    Walter Shaub, former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, highlighted two messages uncovered by the nonpartisan watchdog group American Oversight. He served in the ethics office for six months under then-President Barack Obama and resigned six months into the Trump presidency. 

    One of the messages Shaub shared on Twitter appeared to show Ivanka Trump conducting business with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos almost a month before she had an official role:


    Lock her up. 

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