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Squeakers and Skippy

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Everything posted by Squeakers and Skippy

  1. they could call taunting on every single play wtf
  2. Well at least sakatchewan has the donut eating champ
  3. So I just figured out all 4 east teams beat the west teams , I honestly dont remember the last time that happened.
  4. I might get a new hat
  5. Is this Rita Mcneill I thought she died
  6. What the hell am I watching?
  7. Im going to make ribs
  8. cbs sportsnet has delayed the game for girls soccer
  9. You would think Jones would resign at least the coaching part if not out right everything ...but I guess like George Costanza he gets all his money if he gets fired.
  10. I thought he played ... Fine
  11. Put Prukop in
  12. Wow they got Bono to show up but Ive never heard U2 sing this song before
  13. Saskatchewan shouldn't get another Grey Cup for a very long time.
  14. The pay discrepancy is so big now between leagues it's ridiculous the CFL can't compete...so instead I think the league should cap salaries at 250 000 max cause what's the point not to
  15. I think saskatchewans new quarterback is playing fine
  16. The best thing for anyones career is getting out of saskatchewan
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