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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Right decision tbh, let him rest up for the opener.
  2. Pigrome really impressed me I must admit; be a good option if we need him to be.
  3. Its Sam Adams Summer Ale. Tasty as hell, but with me being 6'4 280 pounds...takes a lot to really affect me.
  4. I was being dramatic friend. I'm starting to feel the effects of this here beer...my 14th one.
  5. Couldn't stop an outbreak of herpes in a strip club this D right now.
  6. Solid first half. Bit surprised Collaros played for as long as he did, but all good. Gonna grab another beer and settle back in. And as a side note, Edmonton's mascot is ******* frightening.
  7. Blue Jays have all the talent in the world, and you would assume it will all click at some point, but maybe too late? I still think at the end of the day, they will make the playoffs and can make a run, but something needs to be figured out. Braves fan myself. I like our hitting, but not sure with our injuries on the mound, if our pitching will sustain us a whole season. Maybe a good trade before the deadline? We shall see.
  8. Will be awesome to see some football again! Interested to see how the new guys perform.
  9. It ******* sucks tbh friend. I really thought this was gonna be another SC run for us, but just could not do enough in the crucial moments. Fair play to Florida, hope they go on and win it.
  10. Not the word I would use...but I get your point.
  11. Thanks for the mention pal, but would rather drink a cup of piss than wine👍
  12. Will be a total waste of a season if we get swept in the ECF. Come on Canes, take it period by period, and get the win tonight. Anything is possible!
  13. I love these movies, but surely it should be Mission:Possible by this point?😄
  14. I loved Vin Diesel in the Riddick movies, but in the grand scheme of things, dude is a **** actor.
  15. You just know they are gonna use AI to put Paul Walker in future editions.🤔
  16. I didn't say he was going to start over anyone, and yes I understand we are set up well on offense, but never hurts to have another guy to give the defense someone else to keen in on. I think the kid can be good in this league, but if he is a bust, as ya'll say we will be fine.
  17. My brother is an alumni of WCU and still lives near Cullowhee where the school is located at. Tends to go to a couple games a season there. Hope Kerwin can turn that program around as they perennially underperform.
  18. People can believe whatever they want to believe. Only thing that irks me is when people try to use it as a rationalization for something or try to push it on others. I will be honest and say my brother is an atheist and I am very much on the fence myself tbh. However, we both have never poked fun at someone for their religious beliefs and never will. We all need to cope with life in one way or the other.
  19. Which rookie is gonna have the biggest impact in our push for another Grey Cup? I expect great things from Bennett, think he will be a beast. But of even more importance and a player I am keeping an eye on is Jeremy Murphy. Have said for a time now we needed another weapon on the offensive side of the ball, and I think this kid can provide that. Maybe not totally at first,but down the road for sure.
  20. Gonna start James Clavell's 'Shogun' series here shortly. Read them a long time ago, but don't remember all that much.
  21. Otw to tailgate for game 2! Come on Canes, we need this one.
  22. Thanks for the replies gents! And to answer one of the questions above: I plan on going to the game on Thursday and flying back home to North Carolina on the Sunday.
  23. ....this season is a big goal of mine. Looking at my schedule when school starts back down here, the best time for me to come to Winnipeg is when we play at home versus Montreal on August 24th. Just in general if I can make this happen(Fingers crossed nothing comes up!) what are the things a first timer must do on gameday? Sites in the city itself? Best restaurants? Etc. Thank you!
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