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Everything posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. Weak flag. If the refs can judge intent for the flop onto Zach, they can judge intent for a receiver tip toeing the line 🙄 hate that
  2. Eat up those yards young Brady 🥣
  3. Arguably one of the top 5 quarterbacks in the league, and given the current state of CFL QBs, I'd even venture to say possibly among the top 4!
  4. He executed a beautiful blitz from the second level, charging towards the Lions' quarterback. He didn't secure a sack, but his intense pressure affected the throw significantly. He surged forward with remarkable speed, like a laser beam.
  5. I was being facetious when I labeled a particular commenter above as a "Fake News Declaring Election Denier" in a different thread. Interestingly, it appears there might have been some truth to it, which also explains their later emotional outbursts.
  6. I'm a big fan of Brian Cole. I'd wager he's the quickest person on the team. A true athlete in every sense. He's the one I'd choose to spy Ford throughout the entire game. He deserves a bigger role
  7. Maintain contain, maintain contain, maintain contain. That's the defensive line game plan required against a mobile quarterback with minimal game footage. Force him to rely on his throwing ability, and ensure you don't let him escape the pocket. It sounds simple, but it becomes challenging when you're tired. We'll rely on our offense to keep themselves on the field and give the defensive players a break, especially since our defensive line rotation isn't ideal at the moment, to put out lightly.
  8. Hey Siri, could you please explain what a joke is?
  9. I hear Local Metis politician Kevin Klein is whipping up a special logo for our Sept 30th home game!
  10. My physician has stated that switching from Liegghio to Castillo has done more for my blood pressure than years of medication!
  11. I can't wait to catch tomorrow's game featuring Brian "Blitzing Bolt" Cole. His bright performance in limited plays has me eager to see him in action, especially as he seems to be a great match against the Elks' young and mobile QB Tre Ford.
  12. I do wish they'd incorporate the individuals from the 6 game IR within these press releases. This provides an inaccurate portrayal of our injury situation. That said all considered we're doing pretty well for this point of the season
  13. They've been jinxed since this moment
  14. Moving on to Edmonton, folks. I have no desire to engage in debates over linguistical nuances or @GCn20 's fervent fabrications of fanatical falsehoods. Great read. 3DN has the odd gem. Sadly I think in some respects they're the best media outlet following the cfl, largely just due to their tight focus compared to other periodicals.
  15. I don't see any reason Chris would sign with us, with the state of QBs in the league he's instantly going to be looked at as starter by half the league. We have nothing to offer him beyond a familiar home. No starter reps or starter pay cheques...
  16. Walleye? Did you mean Pickerel? It appears there might be a Roughriders fan who's spying on our board!
  17. Do we have information on Drew Brown's contract status for the future? He showcased exceptional performance in limited action once again. Given the state of quarterbacks around the league, it's likely that other teams will be interested in him next offseason.
  18. I enjoyed that game.... Quite a lot 😏
  19. After tonight's Blue Bomber victory, I foresee BC receding in the standings faster than Dane Evans hair line....
  20. Which QB is going to show up tonight? Dane Evans or Dave Evans? 😆 Is this the new Hank vs Frank Burris debate?
  21. Let's all cheer for a thorough routing of the BC Lions! Game day is my absolute favorite day, right after payday. Today is both so my wallet can afford all the beer for the game! I was just checking the Bombers schedule, I'm planning a trip home to Winnipeg to catch a couple of games. It's ridiculous that the league didn't schedule a Grey Cup rematch in the first month of the season. And why only one game against Toronto this year? That's also absurd.
  22. It's disturbing that O'Shea's questionable roster decisions haven't received more media scrutiny, highlighting the dire state of CFL reporting. When reporters don't care enough to ask tough questions to coaches, why would fans care enough to tune into games? This must be seen as another failure on Ambroise's part.
  23. This suggestion wouldn't lead to increased offensive output; contrary, it would likely result in more punts. And less points. Call me old fashioned, but it seems like a peculiar proposal to discourage kicking in a game called "foot" ball.
  24. @Brandon As a fun exercise, can you define what "woke" means?
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