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Everything posted by Blue28

  1. Why are we wasting these offensive snaps.
  2. Why. Just why
  3. Barriere is a keeper
  4. Nice early drive. Looking forward to see the noobs.
  5. Perhaps leaving politics out of the conversation is for the best.
  6. Brady 100 yards first Q. 6 since. We haven’t used him.
  7. Why are we not running the ball?
  8. They knew we wouldn’t pass with prukop
  9. Now run the ball a bit
  10. I have to agree. Why move away from Brady on 1st
  11. How many points left now? 12?
  12. Hey guys. It’s ok. Just enjoy the game.
  13. Please. No more gifting 10 points in the first quarter.
  14. Unbelievable. Jekyll and Hyde
  15. Team is old. Tired. With no intensity. Need some changes.
  16. You have to be kidding me
  17. All of us on this forum are really 'geared up' for this game. We can all agree that Osh is a godsend - and hopefully is here for years to come. We can also agree that we may not agree with some of his roster decisions - thats ok. We are all Bomber fans - and all want whats best for the team. I encourage everyone to continue to speak their minds ( its what makes this forum fun) - but try not to take or make things personal. I enjoy lurking here everyday! Go Blue!
  18. Put in Dru.
  19. What the frak.
  20. Did not hit head
  21. Bad flag
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