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Everything posted by Dan38
People sure do like to prove Mr. Barnum right. On ocean levels; the ocean rises about one foot every 100 years or so, has been for centuries. It's why we find remnants of towns 400 feet under water. The world was a vastly different place even 2000 years ago. Shorelines were not what recognize today. I can wrap my head around science especially the type that has nothing to gain from it's results. The old "99.9% of scientists agree about climate change" chant. That would be almost all scientists, right ? So why should anyone believe what a biologist says about climate change or how about that pharmacologist or that zoologist because they all know everything about the climate, don't they ? Keep on running scared people. it's amazing what brainwashing can do. I thought there were more people waking up. Alas...
I called this scam out when it first rose from the snake oil Gore was selling. What a waste but look at all the revenue the Gov's get from all the hype. Another money grab. If they really looked at the truth instead of blindly believing the IPCC report and computer models they might find that there are other causes of the supposed CO2 increase. What if it is the sun causing climate change ? How about a tilt in the earth's axis ? Only problem is our wonderful leaders can't tax the sun or the earth, they only have gullible humans to tax. Of course it is all our fault ! Throw money at it. It won't solve anything but gee it's nice to have so much money to play with. Never mind poverty or pollution or illness or disease, once we applaud the Emperor's clothes we can all live happily ever after.
The Magdalene laundries have mud slinging from both sides, some saying abuse happened and others denying it. I'm not sure what to believe but I notice you did not bother to mention that there were Protestant laundries too and in fact the first laundry was Protestant. I find it hard to believe the Pope took 7 mil and OK'd Priests and Nuns be executed. Does that sound reasonable to anyone ? I have a question. In this world of victim hood I want to know how far back do we go to satisfy screams of abuse. The Roman Empire conquered and killed many Gauls back in the first century BC. Does that mean today that Italy owes France reparations ? What is the line for past atrocities ? My ancestors were cleared off their land by England and many were killed and forced into slavery. Does that mean the Crown of England owes me money ? Sounds ridiculous to me but that is what is happening all over...... What happened, happened. We weren't there. The times were different and morals and laws were different. Why should anyone have to pay for the crimes of their ancestors ? If your brother robs a bank, should you go to jail too ? We will never progress if we keep pointing fingers at each other and digging up past wrongdoings and most of the time it is for personal monetary gain, nothing else. Does anyone toss and turn at night fretting about how their great, great, great grandfather was mistreated ?
If a hospital found out a doctor had abused a patient would you go to that hospital if needed or would you boycott it on the actions of one person ? You must know that the hospital never told the doctor to abuse the patient and didn't condone it. So why blame the institution for the wrongs done by one person ? We have to be vigilant for the truth.
I know about the indulgences but what i have read is for the most part indulgences were used for good like helping the poor. Luther didn't like seeing corrupt Bishop's and the odd bad Pope use the money for themselves. The indulgences were only a part of his rejection of the church.
I was trying to be concise but you are right, although Henry's infidelity was about getting a male heir so it's really the same. Even if Henry did have a son, history has him as having a wandering eye. Luther's prestige and power gave him more time to drink beer. He liked that too. My whole point is that although Henry and Martin had ulterior motives no one denounces the Anglican faith or the Lutheran faith based solely on the actions of a few people. Yes there whackos out there but thankfully few and far between. Through all the criticism of the Catholic Church it is seldom pointed out that the Church feeds over one million starving people a day. Think about that... These are the kinds of facts and stories that should be presented along with the negative crap we all read. Tracker, are you a student of Latin ?
I've been a Bomber fan for a long time. I don't live anywhere near Winnipeg. I've been to Winnipeg 3 times and got to watch a game there once at the old stadium. One of my bucket list items checked off..... Don Jonas was QB when the bombers first caught my eye. It's nice to see a forum that is cool. Looks like good posters here too.
Henry the 8th was refused the right to divorce by the Pope and started his own religion. He didn't give a hoot about whether or not the scriptures were correct. He changed them later to accommodate his infidelity. Martin Luther did want change but he attacked the Church in Rome as the fault and not the guilty individuals. He was excommunicated. He did not believe in what was accepted knowledge for hundreds of years. He wanted everyone to march to his drummer. Luther was also a very heavy beer drinker. We don't hear that fact mentioned too much, do we ? The resulting splinter groups could all make up their own minds as to what Jesus tried to tell us and the result is today that we have over 8000 sects of Protestantism. Apparently no one has got it right yet !
Very true and all sides were equally guilty. The problem we need to solve is to not blame an institution for the mistakes of a few humans. By and large all religions are based on peace and love, not on control as one previous poster claims. Does it look like control at some stages ? Definitely ! But we come back to immoral humans forcing others again, not the institution. Seldom does an institution try to eradicate or dominate another. It does happen but it is rare. Almost always in war religion is invoked as an afterthought to justify some atrocity as another poster stated earlier. This is a good topic and with a good knowledge of history we can all learn from this discussion. There are so many false accusations against religion that we may need to see the truth instead of the myth.
I never shut off the game when the Bombers play but I did last game. Hard to believe there are legit reasons for such a bad showing.
You need to read a bit more history. There were no pagan martyrs after Constantine made Christianity a state religion. Was there persecution ? Yes but it was not against people as much as it was against temples. Temples were either destroyed outright or made into Churches. There was a capital punishment against pagans but no documentation exists that it was ever carried out and considering the morals of Christianity it is highly unlikely it ever was. The Romans wrote EVERYTHING down. No atheist, no agnostic and no scientist can prove there is no God. Believers on the other hand believe they have enough evidence to prove there is a God. That's as simple as I can put it. I wish no ill will on atheists or believers.