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  1. B.C. is not the model of success since Mike Reilly.
  2. Sorry this still kills me. And I know its apples to oranges but the god damn Eagles are in the super bowl with the best rb this year. Everyone knows they're gonna run, and yet they do it anyway and win. We had the best God damn rb in the league and rather than just say we win or lose, feed him, the excuse was "they'll just jam the box". Well ******* let them. Better that than asking a qb to do something he's never done while injured Okay... I needed that off my chest.
  3. The Sun? The same ass wipe of a paper that kept track how many days Troy Westwood was locked out of camp way back when? No thanks. Friesen is an ass clown on the best of days.
  4. Wait wasn't he going to Saskatchewan? I thought Uncle Cleetus from Weyburn had some insider info on Facebook.
  5. Week 1 and week 6 bye. This league is just pathetic. How does that make any sense.
  6. Listening to Oshea talk about Bighill on CJOB today wasn't harsh but didn't sound positive about them wanting to keep him around. Maybe I was hearing what I wanted to hear but it wasn't him gushing about signing him and more about a dialog in the future.
  7. Give him something besides a warm body on the line to work with would be nice.
  8. Wait wasn't he upset and shopping around?
  9. Subway Napkins of guys he thinks are good?
  10. Just finished reading the same article. The cracks are showing that I'm sure have been starting in the locker room. Oshea is stuck with his old guys he's loyal too at a detriment to our team. Great examples from Hamilton on Leggihio, the fiasco with Schoen and Biggie and now Collaros. This feels like the last hurrah.
  11. Back in the old stadium you could usually find me in section K with a blindfold on by the end. Usually needed it during those years.
  12. Sounds like my pregame... let's ******* go.
  13. See the Forde Brothers game as a prime example.
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