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  1. Man, that sucks for Ville. Kid can’t catch a break.
  2. Yup, That’s my concern. I wonder what the conversations are like between Adams and the coaches when they tell him he’s being scratched…. Again. He’s been productive when given a chance, but hasn’t played in weeks. He’s got to be frustrated.
  3. Agreed. I don’t understand not finding a way to get him in the lineup. The D line is thin against a running team. The starting LBs are run and hit guys, so hopefully that will help balance things, but I’m concerned with stopping the run.
  4. I’d settle for some dude doing the Dumb and Dumber ‘most annoying sound in the world’.
  5. And nowhere does it say that he is. Hopefully he was just away for the week off and was delayed getting back…. Or something simple like that. 🤞🏻
  6. You should try watching the actual game next time…. It’s generally more entertaining.
  7. I’m in 128 and didn’t find it to be all that bad.
  8. I feel like this roster plays into the Riders strengths…. Heavy on the Oline to try and run the ball into their Dline… The strength of their defense. Thin on our Dline, that created no pressure last week, giving Harris all kinds of time…. Playing to his strength. I hope I’m wrong, but this looks terrible. Any chance Ayers actually gets some D reps?
  9. Bryant taking a step back really sucks. I wonder what’s going on with him? Get better big guy.
  10. Agreed. It would also be nice if the refs called some holding…. Pretty sure it’s still a penalty in the CFL. It’s the only way they keep us off of Harris.
  11. Exactly. It’s called integrity and he clearly has none.
  12. Bunch of garbage. The alleged statement from the coach doesn’t even make sense. If he wasn’t around when his kids were born and raised, how would he know you’re not missing much? He apparently wasn’t there to know what he was or wasn’t missing. Just ridiculous. The team’s track record speaks for itself…. Eff off Durant.
  13. Going to need a better scheme and personnel Saturday. The 3 man rush was getting abused….. Plus we had soft coverage behind it. And we used it continuously with no disguise. Harris knew exactly what was coming and was way too comfortable.
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