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Everything posted by BomberBall.

  1. Haba and Fox out…. Good thing we dressed some extra Dlinemen….. wait a sec.
  2. No push from an exhausted Dline, and a huge cushion given be the secondary, is not a recipe for success.
  3. That’s more like it…. Dime by Zach.
  4. Is it me or does it look like every time they show O’Shea, he looks like a guy searching for his car in a crowded lot.
  5. Streveler don’t throw that one.
  6. Kola especially. How that guy is still are starting center is beyond belief.
  7. Dinnigan is really out to lunch.
  8. We do…. But I have zero confidence we can put one together.
  9. I guess that Swift BS was more important than showing the horse collar penalty. Neat.
  10. This team is in big trouble.
  11. Yikes. Looks like the bad stuff will have tapered off by game time though.
  12. Man, that roster is a gut punch. It’s not like I was expecting any major moves, but it’s actually worse than last week’s. Someone needs to tell O’Shea to give his head a shake…. He either simply can’t see the forest for the trees, or he’s just too stubborn to do so.
  13. Classic CFL to change the rules in the middle of the week’s schedule, and not have an even playing field.
  14. The Als kicker hit 2 for 2, yes, but his longest was 22 yards. Castillo made his short one too, from 17. There would be a more noticeable impact the further back you go.
  15. Why would the league want to force feed this technology into the kicking game? It’s pretty clear none of the kickers are on board and it’s clearly having a negative effect on performance. What kind of stats does the chip even generate? Can’t see how, whatever it provides, is worth messing with the integrity of the game. There’s a pretty simple solution here.
  16. This is a very small part of the game last night, and there are many more important things to complain about, but on a couple of runs by Streveler he faked the pitch to Brady before taking off. Nothing against that play specifically, but shouldn’t we actually run a RB toss play during the game to make a fake toss more effective? I might have missed it, but I don’t recall a single one.
  17. I can’t believe how consistently terrible these officials are. It’s absolutely disgraceful. But the league doesn’t seem to give a ****.
  18. Was the roughing the passer call legit? It didn’t look like much live.
  19. Or our worn out 33 year old DT?
  20. That whole half was a kneel down.
  21. I’m at the game and it seems to me that Thomas is playing an INSANE amount of snaps.
  22. Yes, that will be another thing I’ll be watching for tonight. I hope they vary their depths and mix up their coverages frequently.
  23. I’d like to see no coverage breakdowns…. I can’t stand to see one of Faj’s dying quails be caught. It’s just gross.
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