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Rich last won the day on March 30 2024

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About Rich

  • Birthday 1974-09-15

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  • Interests
    Football and Hockey

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  1. The connection and data being exchanged between you and the site isn’t encrypted. If someone was snooping your data or wifi, they could see what you were downloading and uploading between the site. If it was a banking site or e-commerce site. I’d be more concerned. Technically, if you were typing in and submitting your password, someone could see it if they were snooping you, if the connection really were unsecured This article has some details on it https://www.namehero.com/blog/how-to-fix-the-this-site-cant-provide-a-secure-connection-error-six-solutions/
  2. Haven’t seen this. The site should always redirect to https:// for a secure connection. Curious if anyone has seen this. Next time you see it check if the URL has https:// at the beginning of it. If it does and you still see the message you may have to clear your cache.
  3. Are you going to need an additional expense account to up your own scarf game?
  4. Only when that voice is saying the same narrative you want to agree with 😀
  5. With the extra money the league is now making, maybe we can buy him a new set of scarves?
  6. If a player is lazy, is benching him really a punishment? 😀
  7. I think there is an argument, that a player like Biggie should get a little better treatment on the way out. But in all honesty, isn’t this the job of and why these players have agents? Why isn’t his agent on the phone to Walter’s to advocate for his client and push the issue. Or does he self represent, in which case he needs to play that job.
  8. To relive som Chuck Bob memories
  9. Don't call me Shirley
  10. Looks like support may be coming in version 4.7.20. We are on 4.7.19. Don’t know exact date but these point upgrades are usually measured in months.
  11. This has now been enabled. If you are locked out of your account, you can contact me here.
  12. Congratulations to @Stickem for winning his 2nd Pick 'Ems in 3 years!
  13. Today, when signing in to the board, you have the option of using either your Display Name or Email Address. In an upcoming update to the board software, the ability to login with your Display Name is being removed, and you will only be able to login using your email. If you don't know what your email is, you should be able to see it on your profile (Click on your name in the upper right -> Profile). This is a change that is out of my control. In preparation for this update, I will enable only email logins after the Grey Cup. There will be other changes coming when version 5 of the board is actually released, and I will post on those as I get more clarity on a date on when it will actually be released. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Also of note, it turns out the board email system wasn't working. I've also fixed this. If you suddenly start getting emails because of topics you follow that you weren't getting before, this is why.
  14. So what you are really saying is you are thankful for Randy?
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