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Posts posted by voodoochylde

  1. Hard to know what happened behind the scenes.  Always felt odd to me that Burke was handed the job without looking around and holding some interviews first.  52-0, 44-3, losing 29-10 at home to Jarious Jackson all would have been enough to give me pause.


    I think, chemistry wise, there was a lot wrong with the team last year .. it was pretty evident that the coaching staff wasn't all on the same page and that translates over to the players ..

  2. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/burke-reaches-out-to-his-veterans-211939551.html


    Statement games are usually events that become prominent on players' resumes.


    For coaches, there are more wide-ranging opportunities to create highlights and turning points and to have course-changing influence and impact.


    Was Monday such a day for Winnipeg Blue Bombers' head coach Tim Burke?


    Part-way through the workout at the practice field just west of Investors Group Stadium, Burke, about to begin his first full season in charge, assembled about two dozen veteran players.


    Practice continued all about them, as if the small group was in its own little bubble, while the coach spoke.


    "Basically I told them, most of (you) guys are going to make the team," Burke said after practice. "Now it's up to them: 'What kind of team do you want to have?'


    Continued at link ...


  3. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/mack-burke-give-each-other-room-to-do-their-jobs-211939581.html


    The give and take between Joe Mack and Tim Burke is perhaps the most important thing the Blue Bombers have going, and with each day it moves toward a more productive place.


    GM and head coach don't have to like one another, although in this case they do, but they need to respect the other and allow him room to work.


    Mack can't coach and Burke can't scout. They have to trust one another to fulfill his responsibilities.


    Mack has to bring the players in and then get out of Burke's way.


    For his part, Burke must believe Mack's instincts are correct and the players he supplies are worthy.


    When the relationship loses balance in either direction it doesn't work. GMs can't fall in love with players because of tape or a workout and force them on a coach. Coaches don't have time to scout and can't be sticking their nose into that end of the process.


    Continued at link ...


  4. Let's be honest here.


    Carter is a great story. But he ain't ready.


    Special teamer (at most) right now .. if he's in our lineup with any regularity .. we're in trouble.


    I'm rooting for the kid and it looks good that he's making a push but there's no way he cracks the 42 (or 46 for that matter).

  5. Couple of interesting quotes from Burke:


    Original Story Here

    Nearly a full day after the announcement, Burke emphasized it was Hefney's play that dictated the outcome.


    "The decision to release Jonathan was based on several aspects but primarily it was performance-based," Burke said. "We just didn't feel like he could perform some of the tasks necessary to be a halfback in this league, that fit in with our defence.


    "And so that was the biggest factor. We had talked to him about moving to the nickel position this year and he decided he would rather play halfback. We tried to move him to a position that would better suit his talent level and that's the way it goes.

    "So I think you'll probably see him get picked up by somebody else. If they utilize him in a different role, he could probably be successful."


  6. Original Story Here


    Remember how during the off-season there was some speculation whether this would be the year the Winnipeg Blue Bombers finally give up on receiver Jade Etienne?


    Things have changed -- quickly and dramatically.


    "I think he's really come a long ways," head coach Tim Burke said Saturday afternoon following practice at Investors Group Field.

    And then Burke dropped this bombshell: "I think (Etienne) is not only competing to be on the 42-man roster, he's competing to be a starter."


    Say what now?


    Continued at link ...



  7. Same question people with physical disabilities are asking on the news today.


    Guess this kind of stuff is what you get when you build the cheapest pro football stadium and don't use one of the firms that actually specializes in stadiums (Populous, 360, Sink Combs Dethlefs (designers of MTS Centre and Shaw Park)).


    And yet the MTS Centre had similar issues with the press box ..

  8. Either throw it where only the receiver can catch it or take a knee and we'll kick a field goal! It's not like it was some huge insurmountable flaw going on there, it was a young guy getting too hot and horny to put the ball in the endzone. Exactly the kind of thing that good coaching can remedy without too much difficulty. Like I said, if the guy can move the ball effectively for the length of the field but an issue only comes up when you get close to the goal line then that's so much easier to fix than guys who can't move the ball at all.


    Can't coach a guy who doesn't want to learn .. one of Elliott's problems was that he didn't do what was asked of him by the offensive co-ordinator .. that, coupled with the work ethic concerns some people have noted, earned him a trip out of town.

  9. Original Story Here


    The oddsmakers have rendered their verdict and they don't think much of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers' chances to win this year's Grey Cup.


    The website www.bodog.ca issued their Grey Cup odds this morning and oddsmakers assigned the Bombers the longest shot on the board at 10-1.


    Bombers head coach Tim Burke said that sounded like an opportunity to him. "Maybe I will slip down to the U.S and lay a bet," Burke laughed during his daily media availability following practice at Investors Group Field on Friday.


    The bodog website proclaimed the B.C. Lions the favourite to win this year's Grey Cup at 7-2, followed by the Calgary Stampeders at 4-1, the Montreal Alouettes at 9-2, the Toronto Argonauts at 11-2, the Saskatchewan Roughriders at 13-2, the Hamilton Tiger-Cats at 7-1 and the Edmonton Eskimos at 9-1.


    Continued at link ...



  10. Personally I like the old school crotchety coach. Worked for Murphy and worked for Ritchie. I'll wait and see what happens with the W/L through the season before passing judgement...


    I said it even with Kelly .. I personally could care less what the head coach says or does .. if his approach leads to more wins than losses .. he can throat punch Bob Irving for all I care. :)


    (I know I know .. Knuckles .. sacred cow .. and all that).

  11. No I don't think that's what people are saying, I think what people are saying that once people figure out something that works there will be less issues because people will be trying new things to get there and will eventually stumble on something that works for them. I mean people had 50+ years to figure out how to get to Winnipeg Stadium at a time that worked for them.... They've had one week to find out what works getting to IGF and everyone is starting from square one. 


    No I don't think that's what people are saying, I think what people are saying that once people figure out something that works there will be less issues because people will be trying new things to get there and will eventually stumble on something that works for them. I mean people had 50+ years to figure out how to get to Winnipeg Stadium at a time that worked for them.... They've had one week to find out what works getting to IGF and everyone is starting from square one. 




    Some people will find that leaving two hours before a game does it for them .. others will ride .. bus .. walk .. pitch a tent .. whatever.  At the end of the day, once people figure out what works for them .. it will start to alleviate some of the strain (traffic wise) on the area .. less people will be travelling at peak times and it should help mitigate some of what's going on.

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