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Posts posted by voodoochylde

  1. The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have signed import linebacker Chad Faulcon.


    Faulcon (6-0, 190, Montclair State, DOB: December 21, 1989 in Cranford, New Jersey) was a two-year starter for the Red Hawks, appearing in 40 games and registering 106 tackles, 13 tackles for loss, seven interceptions, 17 pass knockdowns, four forced fumbles, one fumble recovery and one blocked kick.  He was named the New Jersey Athletic Conference and D3 Football.com East Region’s Defensive Player of the Year as a senior as well as a Division III third team All-American.  He signed with the Atlanta Falcons last season but was released prior to their training cam


  2. I do think that injury history has an affect on a players draft position and I *do* believe that teams should consider a players history when making their selections.  That said, special players come along and the risk is worth the reward .. and with respect to some of the players we drafted this year .. we were able to get a guy like DiCroce where we did (great value) BECAUSE of his injury history. 

  3. Seems like the message is starting to sink in for some of these guys.


    Original Story Here



    "We came out here and showed what we had to do today... all the linemen wanted to fight us, so hopefully he'll see something on film that changes his mind," said Jonathan Hefney. "I feel like we've been doing it the whole time. But at the same time, he sees it, the film sees it... maybe a couple guys weren't running to the ball every single play.


    'They aren't running hard enough. They're not getting to the football. They're not intense enough on the field. How is that possible?'

    "But as we talked to the (other defensive backs) at the same time we told them, 'Just try to get to the ball and make a play. Give 100 per cent effort on everything you do and coach can't say too much, you know?' "

  4. Original Story Here


    GARY Crowton’s crash course in Canadian football began a year or so ago, on the very day he was hired by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers as their offensive co-ordinator.


    But, his introduction to the game came decades earlier at a free-agent camp in Fresno, Calif.


    "I had a tryout with the Saskatchewan Roughriders," said Crowton Tuesday as the Bombers training camp continued at Investors Group Field. "I was a young coach at Snow Junior College and I wanted to give playing one more shot. I can’t remember the year, early ’80s I guess, and it was a three-day camp. They cut after the first day and they cut after the second day. I made it through all those cuts and it came down to two quarterbacks: myself and Joe Paopao.


    "They signed him and they told me, ‘Be close and if something happens to Joe Paopao, we’ll bring you up.’ Well, Joe played good forever and they never brought me up. Ever since then I’ve had an affection for the CFL.


    "I remember it being fun in those workouts, I remember guys running all over the place."


    Continued at link ...


    A couple of quick points in that article which lend some credence to the belief that protecting the QB will be a point of emphasis this season .. it also seems that both he (Crowton) and Buck are on the same page as well .. granted .. take Buck's opinion with a grain of salt given that Crowton played a large roll in why Buck is back .. but it speaks well for the offense that guys are buying in.

  5. Just goes to show how cheap TSN really is, it seems to me that this has to due with production costs, which they save by airing NBA, Boxing, and movies.


    It should be noted that only the final two NBA championship games last season were able to beat CFL Pre-season games in terms of tv ratings, IIRC the last two games received 600k and 900k, while CFL preseaon games beat games 1-4 with ratings between 325k-580k.


    I can, to an extent, understand being pre-empted for championship games (even though I'm not an NBA fan) but to be bumped from the schedule for Rocky .. that's just sad.

  6. agree we need to lock him up asap. he will be a long term ratio-buster for us.


    btw, have you guys noticed on the TC depth chart that Stephan is under mlb, is he competing with Labbe for Henoc's backup?


    I think the hope is that he will push Labbe and eventually be that siutational linebacker (spelling Muamba etc).  If I remember correctly, Stephan was having a good season last year until he went down due to injury.

  7. We have time on our side with this now.  Hopefully a deal gets done in the next few months.  If this deal doesn't get done until the offseason, then I start to worry a bit.


    This would be a typical Taman move .. allowing cornerstone non-imports to go into the offseason without being extended.  I think, if we've learned anything from Mack to date, it's that he's proactive about locking up (what he feels to be) key players.  Look at the Watson, Poblah and Greaves extensions .. I'm pretty sure a deal will get done.

  8. whoa! new look again. personally i like this better but what's with the blue & grey?

    it should be blue & gold, right?


    and a banner with some graphics will certainly make this site cooler.


    *thumbs up*


    Trying to be responsive to some of the suggestions and feedback we received from our initial launch. 


    Glad you like the new look .. and I'm sure you'll like the function set as well. 

  9. Its still early, but guys like Dunn, Markett, and Marshall will probably be too good to cut. Its really going to put the coaches in a hard spot this year. Especially if Miles(once he returns) and Kennedy continue to impress. Theres just too many good import players to be able to keep around.



    While I completely agree with the need to balance youth with veteran influence, this right here demonstrates why the approach our organization is the right one.  It's sustainable and will allow the club to be competitive long term. 

  10. Lurked on OB for years and yet never had any real desire to post. For some reason, stumbled upon this place and figured I should register and actually contribute (positively or negatively, I'm not sure).


    Welcome aboard. 


    Looking forward to your contributions.

  11. He's a cornerstone talent within this organization - a deal will get done.  It's also refreshing to see that he wants to be here (or it appears that way).  Good things are happening with the club right now and I'd hate to see our young Canadians jump ship (or be allowed to walk).


    That .. and I'm rocking a new Muamba jersey this season .. I'd hate for it to be a one year investment.  :lol:

  12. I've got the second league setup. Just need a password for the second forum.

    I'll be a newbie on the fantaseh site as well .. should be interesting .. wondering how bye weeks work in an 8 team league.

    Matchup is two weeks long

    Perfect. Just let me know the league setup when you've had a chance to create it in Fantaseh .. I'll make sure we're rolling the same in league two.

  13. Original Story Here

    Tim Burke never got the chance to do this a year ago. One day late last August he reported to work as the Winnipeg Blue Bombers defensive co-ordinator and left as the head coach.

    Yes, if there's such a thing as a two-minute drill for coaches, he lived it right through to the end of the season.

    And so there might have been some piqued interest Sunday morning -- both from inside the Bomber clubhouse and for outsiders -- as to what Day 1 of the Bombers' 2013 training camp might look and feel like, given Burke had his first real opportunity to put his own stamp on things.

    Continued at link.

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