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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. Overwhelming pressure has a way of hiding flaws in the Secondary. If you look at the first two games against Montreal as an example, the defense was lights out .. but that starts and ends with the defensive line (and linebackers) ability to get to the quarterback. The last two games .. we failed to generate any meaningful push .. Ray and Mitchell had all the time in the world to make their throws and they exposed what is a very soft secondary.
  2. He's a lineman .. Only shape he needs is round! (I kid I kid)
  3. We do tend to give people a lot of rope .. post .. enjoy ..contribute to the conversation .. Welcome to the site!
  4. Johnson (hamstring) and Washington were both injured last game.
  5. It was painful to watch actually .. most first downs Cornish ended up with the ball .. the inability for the defense to stop the run absolutely killed the defense .. makes it so easy for a young QB to be successful
  6. Guys ... there is good discussion going on here .. please don't let it devolve to bickering and name calling.
  7. And the problem with that is that January has only ever been a journeyman at best .. he's no shut down tackle by any stretch of the imagination.
  8. Does anyone think a guy like Chapdelaine would leave BC?
  9. Problem with overhauling the staff is that the organization is in such turmoil that you'll have a hard time attracting top talent and if you can lure them away, you have to make a significant commitment (in terms of salary and term). Like it or not, Winnipeg isn't a destination of choice if you want to further your career.
  10. Speaking of concessions .. anyone know where the Tim's coffee is sold in the stadium?
  11. Until this team SERIOUSLY makes an effort to improve the offensive line .. there won't be any success on the offensive side of the ball .. you're simply setting up whomever line up behind centre to fail. When a guy like January is your best lineman .. you have issues.
  12. Then you never saw a Jim Daley defense .. this isn't even close to that level of bad ..
  13. Just want the game to be competitive .. blew out my Achilles on Wednesday and am still dragging my crippled ass down to IGF .. Go Blue Go!
  14. Queue the Montreal implosion .. Can Edmonton hold on?
  15. Yeah .. a young quaterback MIGHT come out to watch for a series or two .. IF the guy going in has some experience himself ..
  16. Reed is turning the Esks into a clown show ..
  17. Funny .. going back to last season he's been one of the better directional punters in the league .. it's been mentioned several times in the media .. I'll give you somewhat inconsistent at times but again .. you're arguing change for the sake of change .. if anything I'd rather have kept Cameron or Pavlopoulos allow them to develop within the organization versus overpaying for a well travelled vet.
  18. Second in the league in punting .. (less than a yard) .. not exactly struggling .. the odd bad punt doesn't necessitate change for the sake of change.
  19. To some extent, he's right .. Goltz as an inexperience quarterback will hold onto the ball a bit longer .. but he *IS* more mobile and athletic than Pierce ..the comment about sacks waiting to happen is just food for the OLINE .. I hope they run it down Calgary's throat all game long ..
  20. I guess it would come down to Creehan's evaulation of Knowlton and whether or not he thinks he'd be an asset.
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