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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. While I don't disagree that our record proved us to be the worst team in the league last season .. I will offer one caveat .. we were decimated by injuries coming out of the gate and that played a large part in why our record was as bad as it was early last year. That said, I do agree that on the surface it doesn't seem that we've found people to really push the imports we have on our roster .. if nothing else, the young guys who showed promise last year (Washington for example) will have another year of experience and SHOULD be more sound. While I am disappointed by the loss last night .. I try to keep things in perspective .. it *IS* just a preseason game .. and by and large, completely meaningless .. though it would have been nice to see the team learning to win together before June 27.
  2. Sounds like he and Garrett are having some issues .. but that starts with the snap from center .. coming to Goltz high.
  3. I think, with a positive showing tonight, Kennedy makes the roster as a returner.
  4. Yeah .. when you consider that both our starting tackles were injured and we were down to our fourth string running back when camp closed .. it's no wonder we were terrible out of the gate.
  5. Guys. Let's chill a bit .. some people just happen to have had a problem connecting to the site with a specific setup (I had no issues myself) .. it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things and Rich found a workaround quickly. It's all good.
  6. Or at the very least get us a Torrent so we can watch it after the fact ..
  7. Shouldn't be a flash issue KBF .. site works fine (both mobile and regular) from my iPhone ..
  8. I think, chemistry wise, there was a lot wrong with the team last year .. it was pretty evident that the coaching staff wasn't all on the same page and that translates over to the players ..
  9. Wouldn't do it here .. but has no problem doing the same for another team .. smells like someone was fishing for his release.
  10. Wonder why my links aren't working in the URL tags .. hrmmm ..
  11. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/burke-reaches-out-to-his-veterans-211939551.html
  12. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/mack-burke-give-each-other-room-to-do-their-jobs-211939581.html
  13. Good for the league. The added exposure is a great thing. Now, let's see the league place extra emphasis on bettering their on field product (in terms of consistent officiating).
  14. Special teamer (at most) right now .. if he's in our lineup with any regularity .. we're in trouble. I'm rooting for the kid and it looks good that he's making a push but there's no way he cracks the 42 (or 46 for that matter).
  15. Didn't he also slip (a bit) due to the fact his agent is a giant ******?
  16. Couple of interesting quotes from Burke: Original Story Here
  17. Merged the two Hefney threads. Yay board functions that work!
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