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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. I'll settle for anything at this point .. Offseason way too long ..
  2. Sucks for Nichols.. Landing Didn't look too bad .. Might have happened when he planted and contacted the Eskimo defender
  3. Good fumble return by young .. Guy has wheels
  4. They inquired about Reilly .. but didn't want to give up a first round pick simply for a two week window to try and sign him to an extension .. to suggest that the organization (or Mack) for that matter didn't make an effort would be disingenuous.
  5. And yet the MTS Centre had similar issues with the press box ..
  6. Can't coach a guy who doesn't want to learn .. one of Elliott's problems was that he didn't do what was asked of him by the offensive co-ordinator .. that, coupled with the work ethic concerns some people have noted, earned him a trip out of town.
  7. Not that there was any question of it but Burke also named Renaud as the team's punter.
  8. He'd be more likely to be offered a PR spot IF he were amongst the last group of cuts .. didn't do enough to separate himself from Pavlopoulos let alone unseat an incumbent.
  9. I said it even with Kelly .. I personally could care less what the head coach says or does .. if his approach leads to more wins than losses .. he can throat punch Bob Irving for all I care. (I know I know .. Knuckles .. sacred cow .. and all that).
  10. Exactly. Some people will find that leaving two hours before a game does it for them .. others will ride .. bus .. walk .. pitch a tent .. whatever. At the end of the day, once people figure out what works for them .. it will start to alleviate some of the strain (traffic wise) on the area .. less people will be travelling at peak times and it should help mitigate some of what's going on.
  11. If nothing else, it's a confidence management thing. Sticking a relatively inexperienced guy out there to flounder .. in front of our rabid .. desperate for a championship fanbase .. is a sure fire way to kill whatever mojo that guy's got.
  12. The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have announced the following six players have been released from their roster: Non-import Punter Brett Cameron Import Linebacker Chad Faulcon Import Defensive Lineman Marcus Hyde Non-Import Punter Tim Hutchison Import Defensive Back Sam Pope Non-Import Defensive Back Jawann Westerman The Blue Bombers return to the practice field this morning from 10:15am-12:45pm as they prepare for their second preseason game against the Hamilton Tiger-Cats on Thursday, June 20th.
  13. http://www.raymondscwanarchitect.com/ They were the firm who designed IGF.
  14. I couldn't agree with you more Mike. Let me be clear though. I love the attitude and leadership Pierce brings .. it's hard not to like his style of play .. but he's been a drag on this team for some time now. I would maybe even argue that his whole time in Winnipeg was an ill connceived effort to bridge the span of time before we found our next franchise QB. At any rate, I said the same things about Kevin Glenn when he was here (and oft injured): continued injuries, inconsistency and the inability to rely on a player *IS* a detriment to the team. At some point, you simply need to move on. I hope Pierce proves me wrong but if history has taught us anything, Hall and Goltz should see plenty of action this year.
  15. Yeah ..couldn't remember who it was .. but I know it wasn't Brown. Just pointing out some misplaced criticism.
  16. Actually, I'm pretty sure it was Bob who questioned the significant rotation on the DLine. Doug basically said, "This is what they do"
  17. I like what he *COULD* add to a broadcast .. he just needs to talk like an everyman .. don't try to sound smart .. really .. it's Communication 101 .. know your audience .. speak their language ..
  18. I wouldn't exactly use last night as the benchmark for what our defense will do pressure wise .. it's preseason .. they keep it vanilla. Not going to blow your wad in a meaningless tilt against a division rival.
  19. Not trying to mitigate the failure in any way shape or form but the sheer number of people who were turned around at University Crescent because they shouldn't have been entering there was unreal. It caused a slow down getting people through the checkpoint near the stadium. At one point, we were sitting idle for 10 minutes while some guy in a pickup tried to turn from the far southbound curb lane, across traffic to head back northbound down UC .. we were waiting because someone didn't know he shouldn't have been going that way and it caused the checkpoint to become a bottleneck. A large part of this *IS* educating the various stakeholders. Another huge problem was grossly underestimating the load on Transit resources.
  20. There was a guy with a pedal power rickshaw shuttling people down University Crescent while I was heading into the game last night .. wonder how much he ended up making .. lol.
  21. Should be planning for 1/4 to 1/3 of capacity to take transit. Overplan not underplan.
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